As an Iris user submitting a note for publishing, I would like a temporary proofread and undo publish capability, so that I can catch grammatical errors in my notes before they are sent to relays.
Acceptance Criteria
User has the option to enable proofread mode in Iris settings,
If user has enabled proofread mode, a ten (10) second countdown timer begins. The timer is visually indicated, and dynamic (10..9..8…),
The state is displayed: “Publishing note”, or “Note published”,
If the timer has a non-zero (0) value, there is a Undo button,
If user taps Undo, note is not sent to relays, and
User reverts back to draft note view with the content of the messsage saved.
If user does nothing, note is published to relays after ten (10) seconds.
User Story
As an Iris user submitting a note for publishing, I would like a temporary proofread and undo publish capability, so that I can catch grammatical errors in my notes before they are sent to relays.
Acceptance Criteria
User request: