irit-melodi / attelo

discourse parser
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nbest-dependent typechange #13

Open kowey opened 9 years ago

kowey commented 9 years ago

This is going to bite us in the collective posterior: when nbest == 1, we return one result; when it's greater than one, we return a list of results.

It may be a good idea to think about always returning a list of results, even a singleton list. Code shouldn't have to deal with surprises like this (I think this was a deliberate change we shoehorned in; previous decoders didn't have a notion of nbest)

kowey commented 9 years ago

Actually, you know what, we're just going to need a proper interface here. We have all these decoders, they all take different keyword args, etc. Nope. Let's nail this down to have a uniform interface. No, not all decoders are going to use/respect all the args. But that's OK. We can document that. What we can't do is predict how 8 or 9 different subtly different function variants are going to behave.

It might look something like this. If I manage to finish this work, I'll see about throwing in a decorator to promote functions to classes

class Decoder(object):
    A decoder is a function which given a probability distribution (see below)
    and some control parameters, returns a sequence of predictions.

    We have a few informal types to consider here:

        - a **link** (`(string, string, string)`) represents a link
          between a pair of EDUs. The first two items are their
          identifiers, and the third is the link label

        - a **proposed link** (`(string, string, float, string)`)
          is a link with a probability attached

        - a **prediction** is morally a set (in practice a list) of links

        - a **distribution** is morally a set of proposed links

    :param prob_distrib: the proposed links that we would like to decode over
    :type prob_distrib: [(string, string, float, string)]

    :param config: how we would like this decoder to behave
    :type config: :py:class:`DecoderConfig`

    :rtype: [[(string,string,string)]]
    def __call__(self, prob_distrib, config):
        raise NotImplementedError
kowey commented 9 years ago

Will be resolved in the code-style branch