iriusrisk / bdd-security

BDD Automated Security Tests for Web Applications
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Adding a RunApp script #13

Closed laminfaty closed 8 years ago

laminfaty commented 9 years ago

@continuumsecurity For our conversation few months ago, I came up with a script for scanning multiple stories at one time. However, we will need to tweak three main files:,, and I think i will be easier for you to make those changes because you built this framework. Please let me know your thoughts.


export ANT_OPTS=-Xmx500m

Exit when argument is less than 3

if [ $# -lt 3 ] then echo "runApp story1 story2 ...." exit fi

cfg=$1 lfg=$2

numberOfStorie=expr $# - 2 echo "About to run $numberOfStorie stories with customConfig: $1 and LoginFlag: $2"

shift shift for str in "$@" do echo "Running Story - $str with $cfg and Login $lfg" ant test -Dargs="$cfg $lfg -story $str"


iriusrisk commented 9 years ago

Hi @laminfaty I've just committed changes that allow you to run parallel stories through Ant. See the ant target junit.parallel Be aware that any tests that use OWASP ZAP can't be run in parallel with other owasp zap tests, so these are all grouped together in one sequential run. The example junit.parallel task runs 3 separate JVMs:

laminfaty commented 9 years ago

@continuumsecurity Good Stuff! I will test it tonight and see. It is no way people want to compare gaunlt with bed-security. I think this framework has a potential to be the best ever and the only way to get there is to improve it, make it easy ti use, and add new features.

iriusrisk commented 9 years ago

@laminfaty :) And thanks to your feedback, we can make it better.
If there are other major features you'd like to see, or specific tools it should support please let me know. You can create feature requests using this issue system.

laminfaty commented 9 years ago

@continuumsecurity We need to update the default ant command in build.xml. Also it be useful to document all latest ant commands.

iriusrisk commented 9 years ago

Default command fixed. Have started some documentation on the blog: