iriusrisk / bdd-security

BDD Automated Security Tests for Web Applications
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Dockerizing BDD-Security #68

Closed streichsbaer closed 5 years ago

streichsbaer commented 7 years ago

Hello Stephen,

I've done some work around dockerizing BDD-Security. If this is of interest I'm happy to create a pull request for it.

tek911 commented 7 years ago

I think this is covered in Issue #33 . You beat me to the punch, i was just about to crank out a dockerfile for that. I for one would be interested in your pull request and docker file (i being no one special!).

streichsbaer commented 7 years ago

@stephendv1 I can't create pull requests for the wiki and would like to add the following text to


Follow the instructions below to create a docker image and run it.

# Build the image
docker build --no-cache -t continuumsecurity/bdd-security .

# run the test suite with the default configuration
docker run -d continuumsecurity/bdd-security

# run the test suite with custom TAGS and custom URLS
docker run -d -e "TAGS=@cwe-319-auth" -e "URL=http:\/\/localhost:8080\/xxx/" continuumsecurity/bdd-security

# alternatively you can run the below command to see the logs in the output
docker run -it continuumsecurity/bdd-security

Note that issue #68 tracks open items for the Dockerization.

stephendv1 commented 7 years ago

Many thanks for this @streichsbaer! Have added to wiki and merged the pull request. Will leave this issue open for any further comments/improvements.

hypery2k commented 6 years ago

I think it would be great to enhance the Docker support:

This would allow easier upgrade path and may reduce the efforts and it could become possible to distribute a general docker image

stephendv1 commented 6 years ago

@hypery2k interesting idea. That would make it easier to edit and modify the tests/features without touching the container.

streichsbaer commented 6 years ago

Fully agree. I've played around with this some more and it's very tedious to get new tests/features ready. Also, the size of the image is enormous ~1gb, which should be optimized. It gets even bigger when integrating sslyze into the container.

hypery2k commented 6 years ago

yeah already so that. I’ll try to start up a new fork and send a PR here

ratzrattillo commented 6 years ago

Is it already possible to use sslyze, when running bdd-security from a docker container?

stephendv1 commented 6 years ago

@streichsbaer @hypery2k is this something you can answer?

streichsbaer commented 6 years ago

It is not currently possible @ratzrattillo. And to be frank, I wouldn't recommend it at the moment either. The current Dockerfile is for a Java runtime, and sslyze requires a Python runtime, which would blow the image up substantially,

ratzrattillo commented 6 years ago

Hello @stephendv1 @streichsbaer @hypery2k , Thank you for the fast reply! How about using a tool similar to sslyze, which is not requiring a special runtime environment? Similar and actively maintained tools would be sslscan ( or O-Saft ( The projects could be compiled from source or get distributed as statically linked binaries, not requiring an additional runtime like python. Thus, bdd-security could be shipped as a docker container without having to give up on SSL-Scanning support. I like the idea of having my security tests running in a stable docker container and testing new tests and features in a DEV container. If the DEV container is stable enough, i could just hit a switch in Jenkins to now fire up the new container to start the new security tests :)

stephendv1 commented 6 years ago

I wouldn't want to exclude sslyze just for the sake of avoiding a python runtime. Looking to the future, there are likely to be more tools that require this runtime that we can include in BDD-Security. The challenge is how to package this up so that you only get the runtime you need for your tests? Do we split BDD-Security into different functional areas and create sub-project? e.g. bdd-security.hosts for scanning systems, bdd-security.web for testing browser based web apps, bdd-security.api for testing http apis, etc.
This could make configuration simpler - so that if you just want to test ssl, then you don't have to do any selenium config. (Currently, it works like this, but there is only 1 config file so all the selenium config pieces are in there even if you don't have to use them).

ratzrattillo commented 6 years ago

@stephendv1 Splitting the project into different sub-projects for the different areas of security testing might surely help to also make it easier to use bdd-security in the first place. the size of single docker containers could also be reduced of course. However, the documentation must be adjusted to make it easier for beginners to use the framework ;)