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!<,2002:js/undefined> all over story.yaml #140

Closed batchku closed 6 years ago

batchku commented 6 years ago

The story.yaml file contains many undefined js objects.


There should be NO undefined elements in the yaml file. If something is unknown, it should be an empty string: ``

Example story:

Yaml file:

name: May 15 Experience
tags: ''
  uuid: '1428036890'
  name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
  vect: '<188.46868035185608,-3.695491203433139>'
  time: 1526490732634
  file: '%5Bobject%20Object%5D'
  remoteFile: ''
  volume: 0.5
soundtrackVolume: 0.5
description: A short description of the project
homeRoomId: '1577441588'
  - uuid: '1774356345'
    name: Aria
    time: 1507056621832
    file: '1774356345'
      uuid: '1702167487'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<182.2535917501693,8.138472680378822>'
      time: 1526490991518
      file: R0010398_20171003114456.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
      uuid: '497721136'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<175.56173101382458,-2.676894717444658>'
      time: 1526490991518
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
    ambient: {}
    reverb: 'Off'
    front: '<180,80>'
    bgVolume: 0.5
    texts: []
    clips: []
    images: []
    video: []
      - uuid: '842418650'
        name: ''
        vect: '<112,6>'
        time: 1507071788179
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Here is some fun I've had with science! Science is something that
          makes me happy and "It sparks joy" (Marie Kondo). I believe that
          everyone should have the capabilities to pursue a career in STEM if
          they want one. 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1579871717'
        name: My Heartbeat
        vect: '<294,4>'
        time: 1513357458275
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: |-
          “We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.”
          -Maya Angelou
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1510968621'
        name: What I'll Do
        vect: '<234,-6>'
        time: 1512002838199
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: historyAudio2.m4a
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: >-

        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1813794789'
        name: What I Believe
        vect: '<214,12>'
        time: 1512002913482
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: historyAudio3.m4a
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: >-

        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1519269053'
        name: Hydraulics = Cool!
        vect: '<98,-12>'
        time: 1507071610467
        imageFile: IMG_1410.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1219647266'
        name: Presenting Science
        vect: '<70,2>'
        time: 1507071640625
        imageFile: Aria%20EppingerIMG_9504.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '795843744'
        name: My haunt
        vect: '<10,0>'
        time: 1507072044983
        file: '1846628578'
        nameIsCustom: false
        autoTime: 0
    autoDoors: []
        uuid: '1554131425'
        name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
        vect: '<188.1761627621404,-0.06569745065807542>'
        time: 1526490991519
        file: historybackground.m4a
        remoteFile: >-

        volume: 0.5
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
  - uuid: '1846628578'
    name: Aria 2
    time: 1507308873585
    file: '1846628578'
      uuid: '1597911966'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<171.34604495782412,-3.7024753052012582>'
      time: 1526490991519
      file: R0010395_20171003113718.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
      uuid: '2102205050'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<182.06737400049414,1.5903259874775943>'
      time: 1526490991519
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
    ambient: {}
    reverb: 'Off'
    front: '<180,80>'
    bgVolume: 0.5
    texts: []
    clips: []
    images: []
    video: []
      - uuid: '1679053460'
        name: Who Am I?
        vect: '<182,-4>'
        time: 1512001244220
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          People tell me that I am smart, helpful, honest, kind, ambitious, and

          I say I am a creator, a believer, an adventurer, and a thinker who
          takes life one day, one challenge, one moment at a time. 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '795680727'
        name: Labels
        vect: '<162,8>'
        time: 1512003029612
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: historyAudio1.m4a
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: >-

        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1553890487'
        name: One of My Passions
        vect: '<80,6>'
        time: 1507309092079
        imageFile: IMG_20170924_161029.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          One of the things that makes me happy is eating (and baking).
          Achieving anything in life is like making a cake: while there may be
          some allergies one has to work with, one can make a masterpiece with
          hard work, determination, and the right refer
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '566040596'
        name: Inside...
        vect: '<112,6>'
        time: 1507309096198
        imageFile: IMG_20170924_163014.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '2061007321'
        name: Some of my Friends!
        vect: '<270,0>'
        time: 1512001815917
        imageFile: 7965110949080358372.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Everyone needs a support system. Here are some of my friends who I met
          in middle school. Through good times and bad, they have stuck by me. I
          wish that everyone has a system that can support them in pursuit of
          their dreams.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1781950024'
        name: Science Lab!
        vect: '<34,-4>'
        time: 1513863352673
        file: '1774356345'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '1680542840'
        name: Mikayla
        vect: '<224,-10>'
        time: 1525969913769
        file: '1280401287'
        nameIsCustom: false
        autoTime: 0
    autoDoors: []
      intro: {}
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
  - uuid: '1280401287'
    name: Mikayla
    time: 1507047332231
    file: '1280401287'
      uuid: '191915151'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<174.1568805366267,-1.6580281693311005>'
      time: 1526490991519
      file: R0010717_20171003114159.JPG
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
      uuid: '227845706'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<178.8508292540852,7.041297367780479>'
      time: 1526490991519
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
    ambient: {}
    reverb: 'Off'
    front: '<180,80>'
    bgVolume: 0.5
    texts: []
    clips: []
    images: []
    video: []
      - uuid: '2015881439'
        name: me
        vect: '<74,24>'
        time: 1507169539338
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          One my favorite things to do is to play on a playground even though I
          am a high schooler. Also my favorite color is purple.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1809149283'
        name: My Dreams
        vect: '<342,22>'
        time: 1512660607492
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          People are not given what they are entitled to as human beings and
          other people deprive them of their rights. I believe this is because 
          people sometimes have a hard time seeing past  the outer shell of
          someone. We are all different and sometime
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '802095361'
        name: I am creative
        vect: '<300,20>'
        time: 1513864396413
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: I am creative
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1478878732'
        name: beach audio
        vect: '<112,-10>'
        time: 1507519272685
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: beach.m4a
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '553585506'
        name: 'I can''t keep quiet '
        vect: '<352,30>'
        time: 1507856767035
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: I%2525252520can't%2525252520keep%2525252520quiet.m4a
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: >-
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1285216389'
        name: My Backyard
        vect: '<264,-8>'
        time: 1507225935736
        imageFile: Playground.png
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Any chance I have to be outside I will take it and run. (Not literary,
          I don't run unless I have to.) The picture below is our playground in
          my backyard. I spend a lot of time on it with my siblings and friends.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1047547273'
        name: Baby Mikayla
        vect: '<60,-4>'
        time: 1507514126901
        imageFile: IMG_0456.JPG
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: I was born March 29 2002. I am now 15 years old.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1223184937'
        name: Beach
        vect: '<124,-8>'
        time: 1507519364444
        imageFile: IMG_0328.JPG
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '809623811'
        name: Tubing
        vect: '<116,12>'
        time: 1507555753195
        imageFile: IMG_0042.JPG
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I am adventurous and I love to be in nature especially by the water.
          When we are at the beach my favorite thing to do is water tubing.
          However I am always up for trying new things.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '380793390'
        name: me and water gun
        vect: '<220,-2>'
        time: 1508202918985
        imageFile: IMG_0678.JPG
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I am very competitive and do not like to lose at anything. The picture
          below is me preparing to win a water gun fight.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1370690369'
        name: Friend
        vect: '<196,22>'
        time: 1513709102367
        imageFile: friend.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: This is one of my good friends from my old school.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1816585035'
        name: Parking lot
        vect: '<164,-6>'
        time: 1507166874842
        file: '564521078'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
    autoDoors: []
      intro: {}
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
  - uuid: '1591910226'
    name: Ben 1
    time: 1525879072450
    file: '1591910226'
      uuid: '917913437'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<177.6897898315911,-9.172224045735698>'
      time: 1526490991519
      file: R0010104.JPG
      remoteFile: ''
      size: '<2,1>'
      uuid: '1323980402'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<183.18468984545788,-5.322612853699331>'
      time: 1526490991519
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
    ambient: {}
    reverb: 'Off'
    front: '<180,80>'
    bgVolume: 0.5
    texts: []
    clips: []
    images: []
    video: []
      - uuid: '261096629'
        name: ''
        vect: '<66,30>'
        time: 1525961548576
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I can’t keep quiet about my hopes to see a world where people do not
          allow a person’s beliefs or appearance determine how they are treated.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1487838531'
        name: ''
        vect: '<220,60>'
        time: 1525961577860
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          My dream for the world is for people to give everyone to recognize
          that everybody has significance in the world and that we are all
          valuable members of one community. I want to see the world give up on
          anger and finally live as one.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '520261257'
        name: ''
        vect: '<320,46>'
        time: 1525961695650
        imageFile: Screen%20Shot%202018-05-10%20at%2010.14.45%20AM.png
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '175953147'
        name: ''
        vect: '<220,-34>'
        time: 1525961722766
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          My dream would take time to achieve, but gradually, it would make a
          significant difference if we saw more people making efforts to utilize
          world peace. Some larger scale issues that contribute to the problem
          are racism, violence, and sexism.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1066732522'
        name: ''
        vect: '<62,-22>'
        time: 1525961787570
        imageFile: Screen%20Shot%202018-05-10%20at%2010.16.19%20AM.png
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
    doors: []
    autoDoors: []
      intro: {}
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
  - uuid: '1027715827'
    name: Ben 2
    time: 1525879336910
    file: '1027715827'
      uuid: '1269759522'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<186.5489590635709,-4.0430364977636835>'
      time: 1526490991520
      file: R0010100.JPG
      remoteFile: ''
      size: '<2,1>'
      uuid: '947965756'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<180.04985325574376,-8.09875583752479>'
      time: 1526490991520
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
    ambient: {}
    reverb: 'Off'
    front: '<180,80>'
    bgVolume: 0.5
    texts: []
    clips: []
    images: []
    video: []
      - uuid: '1351143717'
        name: ''
        vect: '<190,-22>'
        time: 1525879364016
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I am a dreamer. I envision idealistic characteristics about society
          and how I can apply them in my un-idealistic society. I dream, create,
          build, and share.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1422109410'
        name: ''
        vect: '<144,22>'
        time: 1525961865136
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I am patiently waiting for the new world to take off and bring us with
          it towards a future way of life where man can prevail. I am unique to
          my own capabilities and there is only one of me. 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1921877209'
        name: ''
        vect: '<88,-14>'
        time: 1525961866918
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          When it comes to my ideas, I am an individualist. When it comes to my
          challenges, I am a nonconformist. I am the best I can be which is all
          I can be.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '965182519'
        name: ''
        vect: '<248,40>'
        time: 1525961918066
        imageFile: Screen%20Shot%202018-05-10%20at%2010.19.17%20AM.png
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '662123452'
        name: ''
        vect: '<248,8>'
        time: 1525962089884
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          My dream is fueled by my personal experience and practice of accepting
          others as they are, and never allowing someone's assumed identity
          prevent me from treating them with my up-most respect.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
    doors: []
    autoDoors: []
      intro: {}
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
  - uuid: '564521078'
    name: Parking Lot
    time: 1507165927494
    file: '564521078'
      uuid: '49704197'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<176.9068200392959,7.251789293542219>'
      time: 1526490991520
      file: R0010721_20171003115253.JPG
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
      uuid: '780149019'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<186.4629350361221,-2.060426374035631>'
      time: 1526490991520
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
    ambient: {}
    reverb: 'Off'
    front: '<180,80>'
    bgVolume: 0.5
    texts: []
    clips: []
    images: []
    video: []
      - uuid: '1585661452'
        name: Sophia Audio
        vect: '<354,24>'
        time: 1507516340568
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: Sophia%2525252520audio.m4a
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: >-

        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1460222374'
        name: Me and Sister
        vect: '<10,24>'
        time: 1507480003997
        imageFile: Sister.png
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          This is me and my sister seven years ago at a Penguins game. I am not
          a big fan but I enjoy watching them play. 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '785734930'
        name: My Sister and Brother
        vect: '<192,8>'
        time: 1507493984881
        imageFile: IMG_0106.JPG
        audioFile: download.m4a
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Neither my sister nor my brother go to Winchester. My first year at
          Winchester was freshman year. 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1981396711'
        name: Romeo
        vect: '<270,16>'
        time: 1507552102650
        imageFile: IMG_1579.PNG
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Romeo was a stray cat that our neighbors took in, but he spent a lot
          of time at my house. When our neighbors went on vacation we took care
          of him. Sadly Romeo passed away last December from throat cancer.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '922596858'
        name: hugging a tree
        vect: '<130,22>'
        time: 1507680664651
        imageFile: IMG_0103.JPG
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1423864761'
        name: Shady
        vect: '<296,16>'
        time: 1507896375134
        imageFile: 7AE288A2-25FD-406F-A02C-285911AF918F.JPG
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I love animals and I want a pet but my parents won't let us get one.
          In the picture is my other neighbor's cat, Shady.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '220690634'
        name: sunset
        vect: '<86,38>'
        time: 1508204442794
        imageFile: CDD01345-491D-46AC-ABD3-D0851870C514.JPG
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: I love sunsets and about half of my camera roll is sunset pictures.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1164494'
        name: sunset
        vect: '<108,36>'
        time: 1508204793513
        imageFile: Screen%20Shot%202017-10-16%20at%209.41.36%20PM.png
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1029721405'
        name: Playground
        vect: '<56,20>'
        time: 1507479315708
        file: '1280401287'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '1561999715'
        name: Igor
        vect: '<344,0>'
        time: 1525970076678
        file: '1698353224'
        nameIsCustom: false
        autoTime: 0
    autoDoors: []
      intro: {}
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
  - uuid: '1698353224'
    name: Igor
    time: 1507224034885
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      time: 1526490991520
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
    ambient: {}
    reverb: 'Off'
    front: '<180,80>'
    bgVolume: 0.5
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    clips: []
    images: []
    video: []
      - uuid: '1451717546'
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          This is the first page of my Social VR project. Why? The answer is
          easy this picture shows first of all happy people like I would like to
          see all people in the world like this. Also the picture shows
          beautiful nature, freedom and I feel free whe
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1409904165'
        name: Pictures
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        time: 1513004442360
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Like You can probably see most of my pictures shows my family and
          friends . Why? Because in my life family and real friends are the most
          important and this is the biggest gift which God gave me.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '887218894'
        name: Story of me
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        time: 1513004541181
        imageFile: ''
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I was born in Poland in a little village called Sosnowiec I grew up
          there with my Mom, Dad and Grand mom. My Grandpa died when I was 2
          years old I remember him like fantastic person. He gave me great start
          and all times with him use to makes me 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '2063727030'
        name: 'Dreams '
        vect: '<38,-30>'
        time: 1513005247312
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I would like to see the world happy, without violence, with equality,
          without poo countries, without murders and racism. This is actually
          the world which I would like to see like.  
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '313255895'
        name: The worst
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        time: 1513005496120
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          The worst part of the world for me are people which don't respect
          others, because let's say that this person likes other type of music
          has a different hair, has some disabilities or other things just a
          keys. For me it's the worst thing in the wo
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '2046569555'
        name: Why?
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        time: 1513005714830
        imageFile: ''
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        remoteImageFile: ''
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        text: >-
          I think that my history is connected with being in situations
          connected with human rights and the way how my Mom raised me makes me
          a good person which wanna just help others and change the world for a
          better place. I also just wanna prove peopl
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '342701968'
        name: My passion
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        time: 1513005948162
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Like I also said in my introduction my biggest passion is basketball
          and I would like to be a basketball player in the future which can
          make world better. This is my biggest passion which I wanna realize
          in. Basketball gave me a chance to be the
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1006800391'
        name: Other passions
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        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          My other passions are music, snowboard and painting. I love music when
          I'm listening to music it makes me feel better and it's part of my
          life without music my life would be empty. Snowboard because I like
          crazy things and adrenaline and snowboa
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1965450883'
        name: This how I started
        vect: '<16,-8>'
        time: 1513006460695
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Like I said in the introduction, when I started to play basketball I
          was fat, slow and I couldn't play but I worked so hard to makes my
          dreams come true and now I'm here in US working harder and harder
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '2002217975'
        name: Brandon Ingram
        vect: '<334,30>'
        time: 1507225350817
        imageFile: BI%20project.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          This is how I would like to finish I would like to be an NBA player
          that's my the biggest dream. Brandon is also my motivation and one of
          my favorite players. 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '689982569'
        name: My old team
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        time: 1507225419253
        imageFile: camp.jpg
        audioFile: ''
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        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '58672219'
        name: My Friends and my Sister
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        time: 1513004012149
        imageFile: IMG_0139.JPG
        audioFile: ''
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        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '112615494'
        name: Me & My Bro
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        time: 1513004066798
        imageFile: IMG_0054.JPG
        audioFile: ''
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        loop: false
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      - uuid: '312438778'
        name: Me & My Mom
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        time: 1513004168030
        imageFile: IMG_0170.JPG
        audioFile: ''
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        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '297946780'
        name: 'My last hours in Poland '
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        time: 1513004291511
        imageFile: IMG_0190.JPG
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        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '408441765'
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        time: 1513004337080
        imageFile: IMG_0197.JPG
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        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '120841255'
        name: First time when I saw Pittsburgh
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        time: 1513004380138
        imageFile: IMG_0202.JPG
        audioFile: ''
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        loop: false
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      - uuid: '976292588'
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        uuid: '1702396684'
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        volume: 0.5
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
  - uuid: '461821254'
    name: My life now
    time: 1507225871948
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      uuid: '1198825847'
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        name: My feelings when I'm here
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          This is the place where I'm spending most part of my days. I'm
          studying here I'm thinking about my family and friends from Poland
          actually about my hometown. This place when I'm alone letting me to
          things about real important things and school s
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1215500477'
        name: What am I doing in this room
        vect: '<334,6>'
        time: 1507736155820
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
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        text: >-
          In this room You can spend some time alone You can study or like me
          sometimes call Your family.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '894615851'
        name: How Can I achive my dreams come true?
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        time: 1513010949727
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        text: >-
          First of all I have to continue to work hard and keep pushing my self.
          I have to work on it and believe in  my self. I have to doing good job
          at school on the court and of the court and those things can really
          help my dreams.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1201719580'
        name: 'About me '
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        time: 1513103253845
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        text: >-
          So right now I'm 16 years old I'm still playing basketball but on the
          highest level because it's basketball gave me a chance to be there.
          I've moved from Poland to America 5 months ago. It was my the biggest
          dream when I was younger. Now I'm hea
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '234670289'
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        text: >-
          My dad and stepdad were strongly connected with basketball. My stepdad
          was one of the best point guards in Poland but he quit and started his
          own business. This is the reason he told me that I should start, he
          showed me first moves, NBA players,
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '900725444'
        name: Was that a decision hard?
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        text: >-
          Honestly no. I mean of course left your own country, family, friends,
          everything. Yes it sounds hard but the truth is different they are
          always with me they always motivates me to work harder and harder and
          I'm doing this for them. No mater am I
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '280868524'
        name: How do I feel about my dad?
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        text: >-
          When I was younger it was hard for me my feelings were broken. I
          really didn't know how to think about this. But it was when I was
          younger there were still my Mom which is the most important in the
          world for me also I knew since this moment that
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '26172828'
        name: How do I feel about my stepdad?
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        text: >-
          A lot of people who don't know me would ask why he even talk about
          this? Reason why is because a lot of people asking me for that how do
          I feel about this and is that hard for me like teenager, on other
          continent. So situation right now is not h
        loop: false
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        name: The hardest thing for me?
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        text: ' some people going down street and laughing because somebody can’t walk or somebody is blind or something else doesn’t matter. I’m talking about fact that people are disrespectful for each other. The fact that they can’t walk or they are blind I'
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '985104540'
        name: How can I change it?
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        text: >-
          As I said in my story I would like to change it in some way and make
          it looks better. My biggest dream to make it better it’s to become
          someone in the future to make my voice and words stronger. I would
          like to make some commercials with people 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '2049837559'
        name: How can I achieve my dreams?
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      - uuid: '1063233131'
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      - uuid: '1509059098'
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      intro: {}
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          This is my Bro Ben we both love music and art. We like to spend time
          together during school and after. I'm very thankful to him because he
          really helps in my school work and language.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1825036703'
        name: What am I doing here?
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        imageFile: ''
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        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          So actually in this room we can spend a lot of time after school. In
          this place me and my guy making music and thinking about some thinks
          which are happening around us.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '652933354'
        name: Music
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Like I said already music is really important in my life is motivates
          me, makes me feel better, always before the games it's makes me feel
          motivate and more ready for the game, when I'm sad or something I'm
          just starting listening to music and I
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '142730704'
        name: How I would like to change it?
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        text: >-
          So first of all this is kinda a reason why I'm taking human rights to
          study about our rights and particular ways how Can I make world
          better? So I would like to realize people but now I have to get older
          and do something in my life, how importan
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '82080317'
        name: Free time
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        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          What am I doing in my free time? So actually I don't have to much free
          time all my free time I'm spending on basketball, reading books,
          making music and talking to my friends.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '2065379232'
        name: What is my motivation?
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        text: >-
          My motivation are people which keep saying me that I can't do this
          that I'm to lazy, even too stupid it motivates me the most also why am
          I doing this  and for who? I'm doing this for my self and my good
          future. I'm doing this for my Mom and lit
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '104742472'
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        time: 1513021204109
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        text: >-
          A lot of people can not believe in that but short time ago something
          got changed in my life and I'm different person I believe. I don't
          know why what is the reason for that I just started. I'm not going to
          church and I'm not doing other stuff li
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '429277970'
        name: Pictures
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Why am I putting the pictures of rappers in my project? So the answer
          is easy dose are not a normal rappers for me they are really important
          and they really change my life. Also in my opinion they are the best
          in the world and the most talented 
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '978427809'
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        text: >-
          My dream it's simple I would like to see some day just me who can
          change the world and I'm really changing the world. This is my the
          biggest dream and I know that I can do this.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1247504003'
        name: Music Audio
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        text: ''
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '1390293150'
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      - uuid: '309355233'
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      - uuid: '660829887'
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      - uuid: '617131544'
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      - uuid: '228430847'
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               Part of my dream comes from my experiences growing up in Pittsburgh. Ever since I can remember, my mom has been blind. I have watched her struggle with it a lot and I have watched her make great artwork. 
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      - uuid: '467085352'
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        text: '       Problem Solving Calculator: Children often inherit their families beliefs and a lot of people  in this world struggle to see how we are connected. If we could create a problem solving system and start a process of communicating and listen'
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      - uuid: '353588707'
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               Since I was 10 years old I’ve had two dogs.  Otis is a small black and white dog, and Haven is a yellow lab.  She is also a seeing eye dog for my mom.
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          I am 

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        text: '       One of the reasons why I am especially sensitive to hate and prejudice,, is because of my own background and experience.  When I was 10, my family and I went to Israel.  While in Israel, I was able to see my connection to my Jewish histor'
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          whelp this just happened. I forgot to save and everything is gone. Wow
          thats actually a great allegory for my life. I wake up put my glasses
          on and everything went wrong. My life is not that of a creator or a
          builder but a modifier. I am not the
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '401247708'
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        text: >-
          Perhaps I could be considered absent minded. Sometimes I am not all
          there. Sometimes my head stays up in the clouds occupied with grander
          visions of a different life. Sometimes I think about alternate
          realities. What if there is a universe where
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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        text: >-
          When I was younger I was bullied. My bully's name was a(censored for
          his privacy). A was shorter than me by a good six inches. He would
          insult me and pick on me. I could have stopped him either by force or
          by getting help from a teacher but I di
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1032005008'
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        text: >-
          Sometimes I dream about what it would be like to go into space. I
          always wanted to be an astronaut when I was younger but as I got older
          I wound up being too tall to join nasa and as I got even older I
          realized that space is pretty creepy. Like 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '700727137'
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        text: >-
          I want to use this project to open up about myself. I hope that by
          opening up can help others open up about who they are. No one should
          ever be a afraid of their identity. In this project I embraced my
          weirdness and went forward without fear in 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1387333466'
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      intro: {}
      reprise: {}
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  - uuid: '1800968187'
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        text: >-
          I am the type of guy who would climb a mountain If something I wanted
          was on the other side. I am kinda stubborn but that can be a good
          thing.  I think that there is a lot to do and see in the world and
          that it would be a good thing if people we
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '752223747'
        name: This is pathetic but
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        time: 1507738351447
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        text: >-
          You know for a collection of ramblings about my life and child hood I
          have developed a connection to this vr. I don't know why but I think
          this is helping me put somethings on paper that I have had trouble
          talking about. It is oddly comforting t
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1365282998'
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      intro: {}
      reprise: {}
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        text: >-
          To me, equality means that everyone has the chance to be an individual
          and to live as they truly are. I believe differences are okay and I
          hope people can learn to accept each other and embrace our
          differences. I hope we can show one another how
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '1795450580'
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        text: >-
          Everyone in the world should have the equal rights no matter what kind
          of history we been through and who you are. Because every is the same,
          and we are all human.

          The dream of the world is just one simple word - equal. We live in the
          same world
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1222736013'
        name: Dreams for the world
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        text: >-
          People come together to be a collectivity, but in the group, each
          person was still individual. People should break the barrier between
          the languages, skin color, the identity. Everyone should proud of
          themselves. Even though we are in the same w
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '214732449'
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          I love to read in the library. Reading can always let you know what's
          happened in the different part of the world. 

          You got a chance to see different people, story from the different
          perspective, so you are not listening or learning a "single st
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        name: accept others
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          The reason we read is to know what other people think. To have the
          ability to accept other people's thoughts, and not only their thoughts
          but also the people.
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      - uuid: '404933126'
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          The "single story" means only seeing or knowing a thing or person form
          only one perspective. However, as a human, we should know what's
          happening in the world, and have the ability to understand other and
          accepts others.  So, we should not look 
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '375187593'
        name: Single Story
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
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      - uuid: '1832536912'
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        volume: 0.5
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.080625
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        text: >-
          To me, equality means that everyone has the chance to be an individual
          and to live as they truly are. I believe differences are okay and I
          hope people can learn to accept each other and embrace our
          differences. I hope we can show one another how
        loop: false
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        text: >-
          I can not keep quiet about gender equality, child labor, racism, equal
          rights, Identity for each individual, Sounds of everyone. Every
          individual should deserve the same. 
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        text: >-
          I'm a dreamer. My dream is every is equal in the world. I believe that
          everyone in the world should have the same opportunity, no matter
          health care, education, etc.
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        name: Challenge we faced
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >
          There must be a way to solve all the problem happened in the society.
          What we should do it find out that way. The biggest challenge now is
          not we do not have the answer, the challenge is people cannot break
          down the barrier between each other. 
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '1942490833'
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        text: >-
          In the world right now, many time you do not have the chance to
          present the world, the society who you are. Even in the home, where
          you will be most comfortable, you do not have that chance. At home,
          many time parents make many decisions for you
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '244689322'
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        text: >-
          The reason I have a compass here to to remind everyone what's their
          dream, do not get lost on your way, and alway be yourself. 
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          I used to travel a lot, so I got chance to see how other parts of the
          world look like. Knowing person or place from news only showing part
          of them, you do not have a chance to fully understanding their
          identity, their culture. When you go out an
        loop: false
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        text: >-
          Trying something new, to know more about the world. Always trying
          something new, you might be scared about it at the first time you do
          it, but later you might find out it's fun. 
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          I started to go to Winchester Thurston School this year. And this is
          our Contemporary World History classroom. The first trimester just
          ended, and I found the things we learned at school all very
          interesting and the teachers are all very nice. H
        loop: false
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          I am thoughtful, insightful, international and compassionate. I always
          care about the human rights problem happening in all around the world.
          And one problem that caught my attention recently is the education
          problem. And I can’t stay quie
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        text: 'This is Sydney, the first American friend I made here. '
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          This is my first time to studying in a foreign school and live in a
          foreign country. Before I came here, I heard a lot about
          discrimination toward Asians in western countries, and I was kind of
          afraid. However, after coming here, I never experie
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          I am friendly and interesting. In this room, you will find some
          pictures of my Chinese friends and me, and one audio of my friend
          talking about me. 
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          This photo is my middle school graduate photo in China. It was a big
          school with 200 students in my grade. But they provide really good
          education and people there are friendly. But in China, a survey showed
          that there are 2.5 million student dro
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          These pictures are pictures of my three closest Chinese friends and I.
          We met in seventh grade. As we do projects together, and do sports
          together, we found that we have a lot of common hobbies. School is
          always the best place to make friends. 
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          Anisa with the people that he worked with during her professional play
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          Baby Anisa and her mom
          The other picture is Anisa and her grandma
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          Anisa in a when she was in a poetry class that made her read each poem
          out loud. 
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        text: >-
          This picture was taken in 2009. This is me and my cousin, Zayd. We
          were always known as twins even though we're about 2-3 years apart.
        loop: false
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        text: >-
          In 2009, my god mom got married and I was her flower girl. This is a
          picture of me and the ring bearer. His name is Daniel and I remember
          that his dad (who was my god dad's best man) always called me cricket
          because I loved to jump. 
        loop: false
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        text: >-
          This picture was taken Christmas of 2010. Me and my friend/cousin Jade
          our at a local soup kitchen serving food to people who weren't as
          fortunate as us.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '15498322'
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        imageFile: 282031_2261799501757_3883948_n.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          This picture was taken in 2011. This is me and my friend, Indira. We
          went to Florida and we drove  to Virginia and this is when we were
          catching the plane back home. We were playing slide while we were
          waiting for the plane back home.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '103149051'
        name: Image 6
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        imageFile: 182968_900727164040_723878826_n.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          This picture was taken in 2013. It was my 11th birthday party. It's me
          and my mom's coworker, Ms. Rakia.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '276080143'
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        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          All I know is that this picture was taken when I was a toddler. I was
          born March 15, 2002 at 8:59 am. I was 6lbs 7oz compared to my 2 year
          old brother who was 7lbs 11oz. 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1439339575'
        name: Sydney 2
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        time: 1507733246680
        file: '1879796798'
        nameIsCustom: false
        autoTime: 0
    autoDoors: []
      intro: {}
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
  - uuid: '1879796798'
    name: Sydney 2
    time: 1507691932186
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      time: 1526490991524
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
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        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          This picture was taken in 2014. I was leaving camp and I saw myself on
          this poster and I was like, "Hey that's me! Stop the car!"
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1505872035'
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        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          This picture was taken in 2015. I was in Target and this man with a
          Kilo Ren masked walked in and everyone was uneasy because his face was
          concealed. I told my mom and then I ran after him. I asked him if we
          could take a picture and viola. After
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '494906009'
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        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          This picture was taken in 2016. My aunt, her grandchildren and
          children, and my mom and me and my brother went swimming at Raccoon
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '291271277'
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        imageFile: 22405932_10211943215110463_6953027526586441245_n.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          This picture was taken on October 7, 2017. Me, my brother,my mom, her
          husband, and his kids when to Janoski's Farm for their Pumpkinland,
          fall festival. 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '503910803'
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        imageFile: 22089027_10211882820760642_6309839242231709931_n.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          This picture was taken September 16th, 2017. My mom got married on
          this day and my grandpa and I "wanted" to take a picture.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '194152271'
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        nameIsCustom: false
        autoTime: 0
    autoDoors: []
      intro: {}
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
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    name: Sydney 3
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      time: 1526490991524
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
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    ambient: {}
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: 'Women are objectified all the time.  '
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '1558666033'
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        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          People are becoming more aware of police brutality and they're
          actually trying to do something about it.
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      - uuid: '1248022322'
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      intro: {}
      reprise: {}
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      remoteFile: >-
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          Altman 6x12
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          Color Source Spot (26 deg.)
          Ch. 22
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          Altman 6x12
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          Altman 6x12
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      - uuid: '1676429777'
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        imageFile: ''
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          Altman 6x12
          Ch. 64
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      - uuid: '672305447'
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        imageFile: ''
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        text: |-
          Altman 6x9
          Ch. 4
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      - uuid: '1626187542'
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        imageFile: ''
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          Altman 6x12
          Ch. 65
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      - uuid: '513869112'
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        imageFile: ''
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          Color Source Spot (26 deg.)
          Ch. 21
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      - uuid: '1814690999'
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        imageFile: ''
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        text: |-
          Color Source Spot (19 deg.) x2
          SR. CH. 25 
          SL CH. 24 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1490207637'
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        imageFile: ''
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        text: |-
          Source 4 (Right Arm) 
          Ch. 89
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '807414724'
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          Color Source Spot (26 deg.)
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          Source 4 (Right Arm)
          Ch. 88
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '775893354'
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        imageFile: ''
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          Marin Mac Quantum
          Ch. 86
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '1173891278'
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          Marin Mac Quantum
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      - uuid: '1986489396'
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          Altman 6x12
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        imageFile: ''
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          Color Source Spot (26 deg.)
          Ch. 26 
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          Altman 6x9 
          Ch. 1
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      - uuid: '305466110'
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          Altman 6x12
          Ch. 2
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      - uuid: '1460954684'
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        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
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        text: |-
          Altman 6x12
          Ch. 3
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '1908426622'
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        imageFile: ''
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          Source Four (26 deg.)
          Ch. 11
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          Source Four (26 deg.)
          Ch. 12
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      - uuid: '1278866544'
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          Source Four (26 deg.)
          Ch. 13
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          Color Source Spot (26 deg.)
          Ch. 14
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        text: |-
          Color Source Spot (19 deg.) x2
          Ch. 15+
          +Ch. 16

           (need to fix)
        loop: false
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          Color Source Spot (36 deg.)
          Ch. 41
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          Color Source Spot (26 deg.)
          Ch. 42
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          Color Source Spot (50 deg.)
          Ch. 43
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          Color Source Spot (26 deg.)
          Ch. 44
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          Color Source Spot (26 deg.)
          Ch. 51
        loop: false
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          Color Source Spot (50 deg.)
          Ch. 54
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      - uuid: '470314856'
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          Source Four (19 deg.)
          Ch. 71
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      - uuid: '1113408754'
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          Source Four (19 deg.)
          Ch. 72
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          Source Four (50 deg.)
          Ch. 74
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '1431767954'
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          Source Four (50 deg.)
          Ch. 75
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          Source Four (26 deg.)
          Ch. 81
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      - uuid: '973184410'
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      - uuid: '1629957398'
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        text: |-

          Izel (pretty good person)
        loop: false
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        text: kieran (a pretty cool guy)
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          Wall sconces
          Ch. 94
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          Stage Apron
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          Over Seats
          Ch. 92
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          Over/Under Balcony
          Ch. 93
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        text: this Doctor Naragon's phone number
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        text: elevator shaft
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        text: I could hear the elevator from this seat in his classroom
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: 'this is a picture of Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. '
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        text: this is a picture of Nelson Mandela
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        text: there are lots of pictures of this wall
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        text: clock
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        text: I like to look outside of these windows
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      - uuid: '789085200'
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        text: 'This is Doctor Naragon,s desk'
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      - uuid: '387350854'
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        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: lots of books!
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '1585418899'
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        imageFile: ''
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: |
          I have watched many presentations projected on this screen
        loop: false
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        text: staplers remind me of art
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        text: this blue backpack reminds me of my favorite ocean
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        text: These fluorescent lights hurt my eyes
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '1880193008'
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        text: I think that these chairs are more comforteble than they look
        loop: false
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      volume: 0.5
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        text: >-
          hello and welcome to my social vr. my main theme was education and
          poverty. but there are other components about my life, and theater
        loop: false
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          National Anthem   High We Exalt Thee Realm of the Free
        text: ''
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        text: >-
          this is a picture of the Sierra Leone national flag. this country has
          many problems with their lack of education. 
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        text: >-
          this is a picture of a school in Sierra Leone. the school is beat up
          and run down because it was destroyed in a civil war. what a shame
        loop: false
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        text: >-
          this is a picture of a more modern school in Sierra Leone. as you can
          see it is much bigger than the other one providing much more space to
          fit the growing number of students
        loop: false
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          I'm Leon Sleator. Im way into music and I play violin and piano. I'm
          excited to be learning how to use VR.
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          Max is one of my best friends he is way into tech theater specifically
          light design
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          Scott is one of my best friends I've known him for longer than I can
          remember he plays the guitar.
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          I studied music composition at Boston University Institute of
          Tanglewood. Fun Times
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          I love music I have been making music since the day I was born and
          have never stopped.
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          This right here is me. 
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          Since the beginning of ninth grade, my favorite subject in school has
          been math, when I began to realize the pleasure of solving hard
          problems. I believe that everyone should have access to education,
          including higher education so that they can 
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          You are inside of Winchester Thurston, the school that I attend. I
          have been grateful to receive a very high quality education.
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          I usually like to go to bed at around 10 pm and wake up at 7 am. I
          believe that getting proper rest is an important part of being
          successful for me, personally. Children around the world should be
          given everything that they, personally need, to 
        loop: false
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        text: >-
          This fellow here with the blue sweatshirt is Leon. I have known him
          the longest out of anyone in this classroom. Before coming to
          Winchester, we went to preschool together. He is one of my good
          friends, not to say I don't have other friends in t
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '2074648336'
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        time: 1507211183665
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I was born on September 26th, 2001. I have lived in Pittsburgh my
          entire life. 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1550821752'
        name: Taking a step back
        vect: '<72,-22>'
        time: 1507729864227
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Sometimes, the world can be overwhelming. There are so many injustices
          being carried out on a daily basis. People are living in extreme
          poverty and have insufficient access to food, shelter and water.
          Sometimes it is important to take a step bac
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1061093438'
        name: Calm Studying Music
        vect: '<62,8>'
        time: 1507509892356
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: 09%2520We%2520Could%2520Finally%2520Rest.m4a
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: >-

        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '279683238'
        name: 'Leon and me '
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        time: 1507165681185
        imageFile: IMG_2650.JPG
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '2110373724'
        name: Water and Me
        vect: '<266,-6>'
        time: 1507165802371
        imageFile: IMG_4739.JPG
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          This is my desk. I have a water bottle on my desk because it is
          important to stay hydrated. Water is something that I am constantly
          taking for granted. The truth is, there are many people who do not
          have access to clean water.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '831234188'
        name: Who I Am
        vect: '<162,0>'
        time: 1507211270470
        file: '1228558772'
        nameIsCustom: false
        autoTime: 0
    autoDoors: []
        uuid: '1131873591'
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        time: 1526490991527
        file: Untitled.wav
        remoteFile: ''
        volume: 0.5
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
  - uuid: '126139883'
    name: Passions
    time: 1507166007330
    file: '126139883'
      uuid: '596024635'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<172.36160965889502,-3.24715432656395>'
      time: 1526490991528
      file: R0010400_20171003114859.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
      uuid: '908423885'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<189.2498155897474,5.978476248427402>'
      time: 1526490991528
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
    ambient: {}
    reverb: 'Off'
    front: '<180,80>'
    bgVolume: 0.5
    texts: []
    clips: []
    images: []
    video: []
      - uuid: '1092233766'
        name: Running
        vect: '<46,-8>'
        time: 1507169059261
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          A huge passion of mine is running. I am a part of the cross country
          team here at WT. Last year, we won the A state championship. Above is
          a picture of me running with fellow teammate, Sean Heintzelman, in
          Frick Park last year.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1759175909'
        name: Nature
        vect: '<100,-14>'
        time: 1507169324141
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I also enjoy nature and animals. I have two pet parakeets currently. I
          believe that nature in important in maintaining mental health.    
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1472886434'
        name: Being Outdoors
        vect: '<184,-2>'
        time: 1507210976098
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I like being outdoors and doing outdoor activities such as hiking or
          paddle boarding. All children should have this opportunity to explore
          the world around them and foster an appreciation for discovery and
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '539792134'
        name: Friends
        vect: '<300,-2>'
        time: 1507212802577
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          In my free time, I like to have fun with my friends. You can listen to
          me and my friend playing some music for fun. All children want the
          opportunity to grow up with friends and have fun. 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '2103529651'
        name: Applications
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        time: 1507730119049
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Running is about pushing yourself outside of what you're comfortable
          with. That's the only way to improve. This is applicable in global
          community. We all need to push ourselves to explore new ideas we might
          not be comfortable with in order to ta
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1209471746'
        name: Expression
        vect: '<332,-14>'
        time: 1507730438315
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I believe that everyone should have the right to express themselves so
          that their story can be heard. As a musician, I see that music is a
          way of expressing one's own unique perspective, making them feel more
          accepted. Children especially should
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '364987621'
        name: Feeling Welcome
        vect: '<284,14>'
        time: 1507730554852
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          It is my opinion that everyone needs a place to feel welcome. I
          believe that we as a society should show more empathy towards
          individuals and put more effort into understanding their experiences.
          If we can accomplish this, we can embrace people 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1686611311'
        name: Intro to Room
        vect: '<258,2>'
        time: 1507730752468
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          These are some of my passion. There is also an explanation of how
          these passions tie into my beliefs.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1024158573'
        name: The Enviornment
        vect: '<148,-8>'
        time: 1507730807974
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Because my some of my passions are animals and nature, I feel very
          strongly about the importance of climate action. We should cherish
          these natural resources not only as a part of our survival, but also
          because everyone should be able to experie
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '435098931'
        name: Parakeets Vocalizing
        vect: '<90,6>'
        time: 1507169459945
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: New%2520Recording%252039.m4a
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: >-

        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1223602852'
        name: Music with Friends
        vect: '<324,20>'
        time: 1512439624766
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: leon%2520and%2520scott%2520world.wav
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: >-

        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1759544879'
        name: XC Race
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        imageFile: _MG_0898.jpg
        audioFile: ''
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        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '347359930'
        name: On Top of Whistler
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        imageFile: FullSizeRender%20(1).jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '69745420'
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        time: 1507210961966
        imageFile: IMG_5937.JPG
        audioFile: ''
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        loop: false
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      - uuid: '722311002'
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    autoDoors: []
        uuid: '584585044'
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        file: >-
        remoteFile: >-

        volume: 0.5
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
  - uuid: '1228558772'
    name: Who I Am
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      remoteFile: >-
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      time: 1526490991528
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
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    ambient: {}
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      - uuid: '1466239162'
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        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          In this room, you can learn more about who I am. I have included
          childhood memories and experiences that have left an impact on who I
          am. To go into further detail on the effects of these experiences in
          shaping my interests, you can find the roo
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '274894129'
        name: Where I Live
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        time: 1507511750472
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          My house is in this direction, about a thirty minute walk from school.
          I have lived there for my entire life. The area where I live has been
          changing throughout most of that time. Bakery square, the Google
          offices, and new Apartment and housing 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1880253793'
        name: Family
        vect: '<110,-4>'
        time: 1507513087229
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I currently live with my parents, Brian and Marie, and my younger
          brother, Charlie. Both of my parents are from Canada, and the majority
          of my extended family lives there as well. I, myself have a duel
          citizenship for both Canada and the US. I t
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '405342005'
        name: My future
        vect: '<74,56>'
        time: 1507513238997
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I have not yet decide what I want to be when I grow up, but as of now,
          I think I would like to be some kind of a scientist, because of my
          fondness for math and the sciences. I would like to work on possible
          solutions for climate change.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1135472663'
        name: Dreams as a Child
        vect: '<28,-22>'
        time: 1507736108283
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          When I was younger, I had aspiration of being the president of the
          United States. I have since abandoned this dream. I believe that a
          real way to make impactful change is by small actions, which can
          impact big change along the line. 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '133588951'
        name: I am
        vect: '<280,20>'
        time: 1511969174256
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I am thoughtful. I am caring. I am passionate. I am creative. I am
          musical. I am a team player. These "I am" statements were moulded by
          my childhood. 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1066152795'
        name: Learning the Guitar
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        time: 1512437770970
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          When I was about 10, I started playing the guitar. It was really hard
          at first, but the more I started playing, the more I improved. From
          this experience, I believe that children should be given an
          environment where they can try new things, even
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1173218263'
        name: Parents
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        time: 1512438324957
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          My parents have imbued in me an affection for learning since and early
          age. I am very fortunate to have them, and it has made me realize that
          all children should be given this love for learning, leading them to
          pursue higher education. This can 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '509821038'
        name: 'Inclusivity '
        vect: '<330,22>'
        time: 1512439149952
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          When I was younger, I really liked to play sports, but I was often
          excluded or "picked last" because I wasn't very good. From this
          experience I want to be inclusive and accepting of other people. It is
          important to create an environment of kindn
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '680551044'
        name: Making Friends
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        time: 1512440139256
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Meeting my friends in 1st grade that I still have today was a life
          changing experience for me. Children need to be able to grow and learn
          alongside other children, forming bonds that can last a lifetime. This
          is called childhood, and it is often
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '2049933789'
        name: Inequalities
        vect: '<40,-44>'
        time: 1512441172346
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I remember a time when I was around 6, when I learned that not all
          children had the same opportunities as I did, when I saw a homeless
          family on the street with young children.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1207284270'
        name: Guitar Recital (Age 11)
        vect: '<140,24>'
        time: 1512437956676
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: audio%2520os.wav
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: >-

        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1245212706'
        name: Childhood
        vect: '<92,-42>'
        time: 1512476572787
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: New%2520Recording%25205.m4a
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: >-

        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '2049789204'
        name: Image of my House
        vect: '<26,20>'
        time: 1507512276181
        imageFile: Screen%20Shot%202017-10-08%20at%209.24.17%20PM.png
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '324207515'
        name: Picture of My Family
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        time: 1507512740146
        imageFile: IMG_1100.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '139777873'
        name: Me at Age 6
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        time: 1507512814809
        imageFile: Screen%20Shot%202017-10-04%20at%209.44.28%20PM.png
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '673322479'
        name: Me at Age 1
        vect: '<334,-26>'
        time: 1507512831037
        imageFile: Screen%20Shot%202017-10-04%20at%209.45.04%20PM.png
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '494319286'
        name: Guitar Recital '13
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        time: 1512439095327
        imageFile: Screen%20Shot%202017-12-04%20at%208.57.43%20PM.png
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1417720707'
        name: Friends (6th grade)
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        time: 1512440125022
        imageFile: FullSizeRender%20(2).jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1568942449'
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        file: >-
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        volume: 0.5
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
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      file: download%252525252525252525252525252520(1).mp3
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      volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '2118692290'
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: 'Sophia was born on May 3rd, 2002.'
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1659987099'
        name: Daycare Years
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        time: 1507224431996
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        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I spent my daycare and kindergarten years at Point Park Children's
          School downtown.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1715952242'
        name: Middle School
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        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          In middle school the real learning started and I started playing three
          school sports: soccer, basketball, and lacrosse.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '2142989267'
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        text: >-
          When I was in middle school I witnessed and experienced a lot of
          people being their worst to each other and I didn't try to step in.
          This really upset me, but I was always too scared to intervene.
          However, nowadays I have grown enough to be able
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1518132681'
        name: Baby Insight
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        time: 1507685792674
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          These years were the best of my life because I didn't know how bad
          humans could be. Unfortunately, I soon learned of all the evil that
          happens in the world and it brought me down. However, I still choose
          to see the best in humanity even if "the 
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1481520610'
        name: Daycare Insight
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        time: 1507685907710
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        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          These years were the years when I learned about the environment and
          how beautiful it could be. I loved nature and seeing it be hurt by
          people was heartbreaking. That is why, to this day, global warming is
          still one of the most important issues t
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '2042919742'
        name: Grade School Insight
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        time: 1507686060035
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          In grade school I learned that not everybody was the same. We all have
          different thoughts and different dreams. At the time, I was afraid to
          tell people my dreams, which were so different from everybody else's.
          I thought that being identical was
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1134679109'
        name: Audio 1
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          The costume I'm wearing in the picture was actually my brother's from
          Halloween, but I liked it so much I wore it for pajamas.
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      - uuid: '1405946792'
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          That picture was actually the invitation sent out for our joint 5th
          birthday party.
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        text: Sophia enrolled in Winchester Thurston School in first grade.
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        text: >-
          In this picture, my friend Sydney and I were on our way back from our
          school soccer game. We won 4-0!
        loop: false
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          Dr. Naragon was my Multicultural America teacher for my freshmen year
          of high school and believe it or not, this is his desk AFTER it's been
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          Right now school is just beginning and I'm doing pretty good. Soccer
          season is in session and unfortunately we're out of playoffs but it's
          okay! I'm ready for a super sophomore year!
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          Overall, I can't stay quiet when I see people being their worst to
          each other, when I see the environment being destroyed around me, when
          I see people too scared to be themselves, and when I see someone being
          treated unfairly based off of someth
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          And now here we are! Still at WT and now in my sophomore year of high
          school! It's been good so far and we'll see where life takes me next!
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          I am a strong advocator for the LGBTQ+ community and their rights. I
          also believe in racial equality and being a biracial woman in America
          I want everyone to have rights and also accept themselves and others.
          Being biracial can make it hard to a
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          Emma also hopes to help educate teens in particular but still everyone
          on the LGBTQ+ community and it's effects on teens specifically. They
          would also like to educate others on being Biracial and how to
          understand it from others perspectives 
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          the communities around us. This give
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          because of the meanings, stories, and scriptures that I hear alot. One
          of my favorite scriptures is  "And
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          The Future 
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          At school, I feel like I am able to be myself like at camp but I have
          more of an ability to make a change in the world when I am surrounded
          by teachers and students who can help me create solutions to the
          problems that we face in  our city. Like
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          Camp is a place where I don't feel left out or discriminated against
          but it is a place where I can openly talk about my feelings about
          anything. At camp, there is always someone who knows what you are
          going through or at least trying to understa
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          Being a teenager, I understand what it feels like to feel excluded and
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          people and develop connections to people. Feeling like you don’t
          belong, can make you feel insecure, inade
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: |-
          This is me, Kieran.

          I am currently 15 years old and in 10th Grade
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '552740336'
        name: My Interests
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          My interests include browsing the finest (and sometimes creating)
          memes. I also very much enjoy playing video games such as RainbowSix
          and Halo
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '709979611'
        name: Favorite TV Shows
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        imageFile: ''
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        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          My favorite TV show(s) has to be Star Trek. I enjoy the Sci-Fi theme
          and the complex ethical issues which are sometimes explored.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '1647217797'
        name: My favorite bit of Halo music
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        loop: false
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      - uuid: '1142264399'
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      - uuid: '1673878129'
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
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        loop: false
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      - uuid: '1304072908'
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      - uuid: '860878523'
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        text: 'Me, again...'
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      - uuid: '717654317'
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        time: 1512438403479
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        text: >-
          Throughout my life I have lived in England, Minnesota, China, and here
          in Pittsburgh
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '804306782'
        name: What I can't stay quiet about
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        text: >-
          As I am interested in science, and have lived in Beijing, China it
          greatly disturbs me that climate change can be denied so heavily
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
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      - uuid: '41173694'
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        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 1
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        remoteAudioFile: ''
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      - uuid: '1674370844'
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          I truly believe that nature is one of the most important parts to
          shaping what our future holds, so we should be morally inclined to
          support it in any way we can.
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      - uuid: '765870259'
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          As I have said previously, nature is so crucial to the survival of
          humanity, and animals are in nature, too. They're pretty cool in my
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          Although I do acting pretty consistently, I think everyone should give
          it a shot so that they have the chance to express themselves and have
          fun doing it. Everybody should have an equal chance at achieving their
          goals, and allowing people to exp
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      - uuid: '756929207'
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          I think that an outlet of creativity is one of the most important
          things in a person's life. This allows them to do something that they
          truly enjoy while feeling accomplished that they can finish something
          of value to them. Whether that be makin
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        text: >-
          This is the picture of the one I actually own, by the way. I bought it
          at a convention. It's made to look like the ocarina from The Legend of
          Zelda: Ocarina of Time, which informed many people that this
          instrument exists.
        loop: false
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          I am on the cross country team. I enjoy running very much. The fastest
          I have run a 5K is in 19:47.
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '805233112'
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          Climate change is an important issue for me. It is important because I
          do not want other creatures to suffer due to the changing climate. It
          is also important that we keep the earth clean to prevent climate
        loop: false
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      - uuid: '1164481322'
        name: omae wa mou shindeiru
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      - uuid: '1955990792'
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      vect: '<189.31593148351294,1.1133931629405214>'
      time: 1526490991531
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
    ambient: {}
    reverb: 'Off'
    front: '<180,80>'
    bgVolume: 0.5
    texts: []
    clips: []
    images: []
    video: []
      - uuid: '516154276'
        name: My Favorite Anime
        vect: '<34,-6>'
        time: 1507398621262
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          My favorite anime is One Piece. It currently has over 800 episodes and
          is still ongoing. It is about a teenager named Luffy and his pirate
          crew trying to find the One Piece. This show connects to slavery
          through creatures called fish men. Fish m
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1671494734'
        name: A Close Second
        vect: '<154,0>'
        time: 1507463069078
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          My second favorite anime is HunterXHunter. The story is about a boy
          named Gon who is trying to find his father and getting more powerful
          along the way.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '248287749'
        name: human rights violations
        vect: '<328,-8>'
        time: 1507859034450
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Human rights are something that I believe everyone should have. No one
          should have their human rights violated. In One Piece it covers the
          issue of human rights violations, such as slavery and forced labor.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '776477108'
        name: Child Labor
        vect: '<220,0>'
        time: 1507859181249
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          Like human rights violations forced child labor is an important issue
          to me. As a younger person I connect with the idea that no child
          should be forced to work at a young age.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '2084764381'
        name: Drawing
        vect: '<86,-2>'
        time: 1507859649384
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          I love to draw. I draw in the manga style, which is a Japanese art
          style. Anime are actually shows that are adapted from manga.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '122977679'
        name: my favorite video game
        vect: '<252,-2>'
        time: 1507860157566
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: >-
          My favorite video game is super smash brother melee (ssbm). Out of the
          four ssb games I personally believe ssbm is the best.
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '297848139'
        name: Sogeking Theme Song
        vect: '<60,-4>'
        time: 1507399275965
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: One_piece_-_Sogeking_Theme_song_(
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: >-

        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '2072506910'
        name: One Piece
        vect: '<358,-6>'
        time: 1507398553660
        imageFile: One%20Piece.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '701832801'
        name: HunterXHunter
        vect: '<188,0>'
        time: 1507398572808
        imageFile: HunterXHunter.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: >-

        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1469042734'
        name: SSBM
        vect: '<288,-4>'
        time: 1507860269470
        imageFile: ssbm.jpg
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1686796371'
        name: My Art
        vect: '<120,0>'
        time: 1507861569794
        imageFile: IMG-0198.JPG
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: ''
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1148970568'
        name: Closing Room
        vect: '<6,6>'
        time: 1507429433819
        file: '126417340'
        nameIsCustom: false
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '1610158381'
        name: Closing Room
        vect: '<346,10>'
        time: 1525451599446
        file: '126417340'
        nameIsCustom: false
        autoTime: 0
    autoDoors: []
        uuid: '1316899252'
        name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
        vect: '<186.7796100962978,6.478254440064792>'
        time: 1526490991531
        file: 4233484.wav
        remoteFile: ''
        volume: 0.5
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
  - uuid: '1577441588'
    name: Opening Room
    time: 1525451514213
    file: '1577441588'
      uuid: '1610247282'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<175.4296069562958,-1.9514477880085068>'
      time: 1526490991531
      file: Opening%252525252525252525252520Room.JPG
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
      uuid: '1637013629'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<180.72720577191487,-7.423241285831881>'
      time: 1526490991531
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
    ambient: {}
    reverb: 'Off'
    front: '<180,80>'
    bgVolume: 0.5
    texts: []
    clips: []
    images: []
    video: []
      - uuid: '43106951'
        name: Callie Gropp
        vect: '<282,16>'
        time: 1525978822707
        imageFile: ''
        audioFile: ''
        remoteImageFile: ''
        remoteAudioFile: ''
        text: Check out these wonderful experiences created by my students!
        loop: false
        volume: 0.5
        size: '<2,1>'
      - uuid: '1452626323'
        name: Aria Eppinger
        vect: '<4,16>'
        time: 1525978422372
        file: '1774356345'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '2096371050'
        name: Mikayla Leimer
        vect: '<22,12>'
        time: 1525978432330
        file: '1280401287'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '1044114759'
        name: Igor Karusewicz
        vect: '<72,22>'
        time: 1525978511625
        file: '1698353224'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '9039608'
        name: Eli Snyder
        vect: '<86,14>'
        time: 1525978525266
        file: '869092419'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '1616554920'
        name: John Kubiak
        vect: '<106,18>'
        time: 1525978534160
        file: '281686944'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '311480593'
        name: Huiyun Sally Liu
        vect: '<124,8>'
        time: 1525978554496
        file: '1528410590'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '842622803'
        name: Shuyi Li
        vect: '<134,10>'
        time: 1525978631358
        file: '29460422'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '1359576948'
        name: Anisa Callis
        vect: '<148,4>'
        time: 1525978659021
        file: '1432662732'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '1122930684'
        name: Sydney Gray
        vect: '<160,12>'
        time: 1525978680801
        file: '680578757'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '1817213279'
        name: Max Lasky
        vect: '<174,16>'
        time: 1525978704786
        file: '1218688846'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '840980208'
        name: Leon Sleator
        vect: '<188,12>'
        time: 1525978714696
        file: '12609632'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '247297981'
        name: Scott Routledge
        vect: '<200,12>'
        time: 1525978733112
        file: '1633323231'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '1837060570'
        name: Sophia Scheatzle
        vect: '<224,4>'
        time: 1525978749120
        file: '1343507499'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '1713214663'
        name: Emma Small
        vect: '<238,14>'
        time: 1525978779513
        file: '955579333'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '537749546'
        name: Jelisa Lyde
        vect: '<258,12>'
        time: 1525978802571
        file: '493468539'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '210883329'
        name: Kieran Williams
        vect: '<306,14>'
        time: 1525979042670
        file: '1702410417'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '1445538628'
        name: Jacob Allebach
        vect: '<322,14>'
        time: 1525979063000
        file: '673273058'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '755203422'
        name: Izel Machado
        vect: '<342,20>'
        time: 1525979076611
        file: '1091203132'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
      - uuid: '1158503102'
        name: Ben Grossman
        vect: '<48,18>'
        time: 1525990215925
        file: '1591910226'
        nameIsCustom: true
        autoTime: 0
    autoDoors: []
        uuid: '1671084982'
        name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
        vect: '<180.1764861747602,-2.4682103990219995>'
        time: 1526490991531
        file: wt%252525252525252525252520opening.wav
        remoteFile: >-

        volume: 0.5
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.77875
  - uuid: '126417340'
    name: Closing Room
    time: 1525451581455
    file: '126417340'
      uuid: '289170807'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<170.35601578650179,6.082670535578103>'
      time: 1526490991531
      file: Closing%252525252525252525252520Room.JPG
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
      uuid: '83336615'
      name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
      vect: '<176.56057908609057,-9.167976858143499>'
      time: 1526490991531
      file: background_thumbnail.jpg
      remoteFile: >-
      size: '<2,1>'
    ambient: {}
    reverb: 'Off'
    front: '<180,80>'
    bgVolume: 0.5
    texts: []
    clips: []
    images: []
    video: []
    universal: []
    doors: []
    autoDoors: []
        uuid: '2065432974'
        name: !<,2002:js/undefined> ''
        vect: '<188.3846149842908,-8.137744415686154>'
        time: 1526490991531
        file: wt%252525252525252525252520closing.wav
        remoteFile: >-

        volume: 0.5
      reprise: {}
      volume: 0.5
apuhub commented 6 years ago

this might be because audio files were compressed and then re-entered as mp3's into the file folders and not properly updated in the code.

On Thu, May 17, 2018 at 9:56 AM, batchku wrote:

The story.yaml file contains many undefined js objects.

[image: image]

There should be NO undefined elements in the yaml file. If something is unknown, it should be an empty string: ``

Example story:

  • on production
  • username/pass: wtworldhistory/wtworldhistory
  • story name

Yaml file:

name: May 15 Experience tags: '' soundtrack: uuid: '1428036890' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<188.46868035185608,-3.695491203433139>' time: 1526490732634 file: '%5Bobject%20Object%5D' remoteFile: '' volume: 0.5 soundtrackVolume: 0.5 description: A short description of the project homeRoomId: '1577441588' rooms:

  • uuid: '1774356345' name: Aria time: 1507056621832 file: '1774356345' image: uuid: '1702167487' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<182.2535917501693,8.138472680378822>' time: 1526490991518 file: R0010398_20171003114456.jpg remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' thumbnail: uuid: '497721136' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<175.56173101382458,-2.676894717444658>' time: 1526490991518 file: background_thumbnail.jpg remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' ambient: {} reverb: 'Off' front: '<180,80>' bgVolume: 0.5 texts: [] clips: [] images: [] video: [] universal:
    • uuid: '842418650' name: '' vect: '<112,6>' time: 1507071788179 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- Here is some fun I've had with science! Science is something that makes me happy and "It sparks joy" (Marie Kondo). I believe that everyone should have the capabilities to pursue a career in STEM if they want one. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1579871717' name: My Heartbeat vect: '<294,4>' time: 1513357458275 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: |- “We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.” -Maya Angelou loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1510968621' name: What I'll Do vect: '<234,-6>' time: 1512002838199 imageFile: '' audioFile: historyAudio2.m4a remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: >- text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1813794789' name: What I Believe vect: '<214,12>' time: 1512002913482 imageFile: '' audioFile: historyAudio3.m4a remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: >- text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1519269053' name: Hydraulics = Cool! vect: '<98,-12>' time: 1507071610467 imageFile: IMG_1410.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1219647266' name: Presenting Science vect: '<70,2>' time: 1507071640625 imageFile: Aria%20EppingerIMG_9504.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: >- remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>' doors:
    • uuid: '795843744' name: My haunt vect: '<10,0>' time: 1507072044983 file: '1846628578' nameIsCustom: false autoTime: 0 autoDoors: [] narrator: intro: uuid: '1554131425' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<188.1761627621404,-0.06569745065807542>' time: 1526490991519 file: historybackground.m4a remoteFile: >- volume: 0.5 reprise: {} volume: 0.5
  • uuid: '1846628578' name: Aria 2 time: 1507308873585 file: '1846628578' image: uuid: '1597911966' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<171.34604495782412,-3.7024753052012582>' time: 1526490991519 file: R0010395_20171003113718.jpg remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' thumbnail: uuid: '2102205050' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<182.06737400049414,1.5903259874775943>' time: 1526490991519 file: background_thumbnail.jpg remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' ambient: {} reverb: 'Off' front: '<180,80>' bgVolume: 0.5 texts: [] clips: [] images: [] video: [] universal:

    • uuid: '1679053460' name: Who Am I? vect: '<182,-4>' time: 1512001244220 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- People tell me that I am smart, helpful, honest, kind, ambitious, and resilient.

      I say I am a creator, a believer, an adventurer, and a thinker who takes life one day, one challenge, one moment at a time. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'

    • uuid: '795680727' name: Labels vect: '<162,8>' time: 1512003029612 imageFile: '' audioFile: historyAudio1.m4a remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: >- text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1553890487' name: One of My Passions vect: '<80,6>' time: 1507309092079 imageFile: IMG_20170924_161029.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: >- remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- One of the things that makes me happy is eating (and baking). Achieving anything in life is like making a cake: while there may be some allergies one has to work with, one can make a masterpiece with hard work, determination, and the right refer loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '566040596' name: Inside... vect: '<112,6>' time: 1507309096198 imageFile: IMG_20170924_163014.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: >- remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '2061007321' name: Some of my Friends! vect: '<270,0>' time: 1512001815917 imageFile: 7965110949080358372.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: >- remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- Everyone needs a support system. Here are some of my friends who I met in middle school. Through good times and bad, they have stuck by me. I wish that everyone has a system that can support them in pursuit of their dreams. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>' doors:
    • uuid: '1781950024' name: Science Lab! vect: '<34,-4>' time: 1513863352673 file: '1774356345' nameIsCustom: true autoTime: 0
    • uuid: '1680542840' name: Mikayla vect: '<224,-10>' time: 1525969913769 file: '1280401287' nameIsCustom: false autoTime: 0 autoDoors: [] narrator: intro: {} reprise: {} volume: 0.5
  • uuid: '1280401287' name: Mikayla time: 1507047332231 file: '1280401287' image: uuid: '191915151' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<174.1568805366267,-1.6580281693311005>' time: 1526490991519 file: R0010717_20171003114159.JPG remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' thumbnail: uuid: '227845706' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<178.8508292540852,7.041297367780479>' time: 1526490991519 file: background_thumbnail.jpg remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' ambient: {} reverb: 'Off' front: '<180,80>' bgVolume: 0.5 texts: [] clips: [] images: [] video: [] universal:
    • uuid: '2015881439' name: me vect: '<74,24>' time: 1507169539338 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- One my favorite things to do is to play on a playground even though I am a high schooler. Also my favorite color is purple. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1809149283' name: My Dreams vect: '<342,22>' time: 1512660607492 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- People are not given what they are entitled to as human beings and other people deprive them of their rights. I believe this is because people sometimes have a hard time seeing past the outer shell of someone. We are all different and sometime loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '802095361' name: I am creative vect: '<300,20>' time: 1513864396413 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: I am creative loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1478878732' name: beach audio vect: '<112,-10>' time: 1507519272685 imageFile: '' audioFile: beach.m4a remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '553585506' name: 'I can''t keep quiet ' vect: '<352,30>' time: 1507856767035 imageFile: '' audioFile: I%2525252520can't%2525252520keep%2525252520quiet.m4a remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: >-'t%252520keep%252520quiet.m4a text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1285216389' name: My Backyard vect: '<264,-8>' time: 1507225935736 imageFile: Playground.png audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- Any chance I have to be outside I will take it and run. (Not literary, I don't run unless I have to.) The picture below is our playground in my backyard. I spend a lot of time on it with my siblings and friends. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1047547273' name: Baby Mikayla vect: '<60,-4>' time: 1507514126901 imageFile: IMG_0456.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: I was born March 29 2002. I am now 15 years old. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1223184937' name: Beach vect: '<124,-8>' time: 1507519364444 imageFile: IMG_0328.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '809623811' name: Tubing vect: '<116,12>' time: 1507555753195 imageFile: IMG_0042.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- I am adventurous and I love to be in nature especially by the water. When we are at the beach my favorite thing to do is water tubing. However I am always up for trying new things. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '380793390' name: me and water gun vect: '<220,-2>' time: 1508202918985 imageFile: IMG_0678.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- I am very competitive and do not like to lose at anything. The picture below is me preparing to win a water gun fight. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1370690369' name: Friend vect: '<196,22>' time: 1513709102367 imageFile: friend.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: This is one of my good friends from my old school. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>' doors:
    • uuid: '1816585035' name: Parking lot vect: '<164,-6>' time: 1507166874842 file: '564521078' nameIsCustom: true autoTime: 0 autoDoors: [] narrator: intro: {} reprise: {} volume: 0.5
  • uuid: '1591910226' name: Ben 1 time: 1525879072450 file: '1591910226' image: uuid: '917913437' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<177.6897898315911,-9.172224045735698>' time: 1526490991519 file: R0010104.JPG remoteFile: '' size: '<2,1>' thumbnail: uuid: '1323980402' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<183.18468984545788,-5.322612853699331>' time: 1526490991519 file: background_thumbnail.jpg remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' ambient: {} reverb: 'Off' front: '<180,80>' bgVolume: 0.5 texts: [] clips: [] images: [] video: [] universal:
    • uuid: '261096629' name: '' vect: '<66,30>' time: 1525961548576 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- I can’t keep quiet about my hopes to see a world where people do not allow a person’s beliefs or appearance determine how they are treated. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1487838531' name: '' vect: '<220,60>' time: 1525961577860 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- My dream for the world is for people to give everyone to recognize that everybody has significance in the world and that we are all valuable members of one community. I want to see the world give up on anger and finally live as one. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '520261257' name: '' vect: '<320,46>' time: 1525961695650 imageFile: Screen%20Shot%202018-05-10%20at%2010.14.45%20AM.png audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: >- remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '175953147' name: '' vect: '<220,-34>' time: 1525961722766 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- My dream would take time to achieve, but gradually, it would make a significant difference if we saw more people making efforts to utilize world peace. Some larger scale issues that contribute to the problem are racism, violence, and sexism. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1066732522' name: '' vect: '<62,-22>' time: 1525961787570 imageFile: Screen%20Shot%202018-05-10%20at%2010.16.19%20AM.png audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: >- remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>' doors: [] autoDoors: [] narrator: intro: {} reprise: {} volume: 0.5
  • uuid: '1027715827' name: Ben 2 time: 1525879336910 file: '1027715827' image: uuid: '1269759522' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<186.5489590635709,-4.0430364977636835>' time: 1526490991520 file: R0010100.JPG remoteFile: '' size: '<2,1>' thumbnail: uuid: '947965756' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<180.04985325574376,-8.09875583752479>' time: 1526490991520 file: background_thumbnail.jpg remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' ambient: {} reverb: 'Off' front: '<180,80>' bgVolume: 0.5 texts: [] clips: [] images: [] video: [] universal:
    • uuid: '1351143717' name: '' vect: '<190,-22>' time: 1525879364016 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- I am a dreamer. I envision idealistic characteristics about society and how I can apply them in my un-idealistic society. I dream, create, build, and share. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1422109410' name: '' vect: '<144,22>' time: 1525961865136 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- I am patiently waiting for the new world to take off and bring us with it towards a future way of life where man can prevail. I am unique to my own capabilities and there is only one of me. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1921877209' name: '' vect: '<88,-14>' time: 1525961866918 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- When it comes to my ideas, I am an individualist. When it comes to my challenges, I am a nonconformist. I am the best I can be which is all I can be. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '965182519' name: '' vect: '<248,40>' time: 1525961918066 imageFile: Screen%20Shot%202018-05-10%20at%2010.19.17%20AM.png audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: >- remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '662123452' name: '' vect: '<248,8>' time: 1525962089884 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- My dream is fueled by my personal experience and practice of accepting others as they are, and never allowing someone's assumed identity prevent me from treating them with my up-most respect. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>' doors: [] autoDoors: [] narrator: intro: {} reprise: {} volume: 0.5
  • uuid: '564521078' name: Parking Lot time: 1507165927494 file: '564521078' image: uuid: '49704197' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<176.9068200392959,7.251789293542219>' time: 1526490991520 file: R0010721_20171003115253.JPG remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' thumbnail: uuid: '780149019' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<186.4629350361221,-2.060426374035631>' time: 1526490991520 file: background_thumbnail.jpg remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' ambient: {} reverb: 'Off' front: '<180,80>' bgVolume: 0.5 texts: [] clips: [] images: [] video: [] universal:
  • uuid: '1698353224' name: Igor time: 1507224034885 file: '1698353224' image: uuid: '1423318507' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<189.93538922409417,-3.806983858188473>' time: 1526490991520 file: R0010081_20171003114605.JPG remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' thumbnail: uuid: '1468255379' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<185.06546617498873,-5.667120754190842>' time: 1526490991520 file: background_thumbnail.jpg remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' ambient: {} reverb: 'Off' front: '<180,80>' bgVolume: 0.5 texts: [] clips: [] images: [] video: [] universal:
    • uuid: '1451717546' name: 'Introduction ' vect: '<184,20>' time: 1513003811924 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- This is the first page of my Social VR project. Why? The answer is easy this picture shows first of all happy people like I would like to see all people in the world like this. Also the picture shows beautiful nature, freedom and I feel free whe loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1409904165' name: Pictures vect: '<80,0>' time: 1513004442360 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- Like You can probably see most of my pictures shows my family and friends . Why? Because in my life family and real friends are the most important and this is the biggest gift which God gave me. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '887218894' name: Story of me vect: '<280,2>' time: 1513004541181 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- I was born in Poland in a little village called Sosnowiec I grew up there with my Mom, Dad and Grand mom. My Grandpa died when I was 2 years old I remember him like fantastic person. He gave me great start and all times with him use to makes me loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '2063727030' name: 'Dreams ' vect: '<38,-30>' time: 1513005247312 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- I would like to see the world happy, without violence, with equality, without poo countries, without murders and racism. This is actually the world which I would like to see like. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '313255895' name: The worst vect: '<262,-32>' time: 1513005496120 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- The worst part of the world for me are people which don't respect others, because let's say that this person likes other type of music has a different hair, has some disabilities or other things just a keys. For me it's the worst thing in the wo loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '2046569555' name: Why? vect: '<244,56>' time: 1513005714830 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- I think that my history is connected with being in situations connected with human rights and the way how my Mom raised me makes me a good person which wanna just help others and change the world for a better place. I also just wanna prove peopl loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '342701968' name: My passion vect: '<132,48>' time: 1513005948162 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- Like I also said in my introduction my biggest passion is basketball and I would like to be a basketball player in the future which can make world better. This is my biggest passion which I wanna realize in. Basketball gave me a chance to be the loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1006800391' name: Other passions vect: '<220,48>' time: 1513006106374 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- My other passions are music, snowboard and painting. I love music when I'm listening to music it makes me feel better and it's part of my life without music my life would be empty. Snowboard because I like crazy things and adrenaline and snowboa loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1965450883' name: This how I started vect: '<16,-8>' time: 1513006460695 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- Like I said in the introduction, when I started to play basketball I was fat, slow and I couldn't play but I worked so hard to makes my dreams come true and now I'm here in US working harder and harder everyday. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '2002217975' name: Brandon Ingram vect: '<334,30>' time: 1507225350817 imageFile: BI%20project.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: >- remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- This is how I would like to finish I would like to be an NBA player that's my the biggest dream. Brandon is also my motivation and one of my favorite players. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '689982569' name: My old team vect: '<16,22>' time: 1507225419253 imageFile: camp.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '58672219' name: My Friends and my Sister vect: '<86,52>' time: 1513004012149 imageFile: IMG_0139.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '112615494' name: Me & My Bro vect: '<78,-58>' time: 1513004066798 imageFile: IMG_0054.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '312438778' name: Me & My Mom vect: '<182,54>' time: 1513004168030 imageFile: IMG_0170.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '297946780' name: 'My last hours in Poland ' vect: '<184,-34>' time: 1513004291511 imageFile: IMG_0190.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '408441765' name: 'Airport ' vect: '<278,52>' time: 1513004337080 imageFile: IMG_0197.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '120841255' name: First time when I saw Pittsburgh vect: '<290,-54>' time: 1513004380138 imageFile: IMG_0202.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>' doors:
    • uuid: '976292588' name: My life now vect: '<184,-60>' time: 1513708297047 file: '461821254' nameIsCustom: false autoTime: 0 autoDoors: [] narrator: intro: uuid: '1702396684' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<174.70501510516382,-9.866145966754413>' time: 1526490991521 file: 1539002308.wav remoteFile: '' volume: 0.5 reprise: {} volume: 0.5
  • uuid: '461821254' name: My life now time: 1507225871948 file: '461821254' image: uuid: '1198825847' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<176.2823412525172,-6.4053849782545385>' time: 1526490991521 file: R0010417_20171003113704.JPG remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' thumbnail: uuid: '396982612' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<174.42748104307364,-3.630014308862519>' time: 1526490991521 file: background_thumbnail.jpg remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' ambient: {} reverb: 'Off' front: '<180,80>' bgVolume: 0.5 texts: [] clips: [] images: [] video: [] universal:
    • uuid: '270624442' name: My feelings when I'm here vect: '<68,54>' time: 1507735838045 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- This is the place where I'm spending most part of my days. I'm studying here I'm thinking about my family and friends from Poland actually about my hometown. This place when I'm alone letting me to things about real important things and school s loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1215500477' name: What am I doing in this room vect: '<334,6>' time: 1507736155820 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- In this room You can spend some time alone You can study or like me sometimes call Your family. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '894615851' name: How Can I achive my dreams come true? vect: '<30,24>' time: 1513010949727 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- First of all I have to continue to work hard and keep pushing my self. I have to work on it and believe in my self. I have to doing good job at school on the court and of the court and those things can really help my dreams. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1201719580' name: 'About me ' vect: '<182,60>' time: 1513103253845 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- So right now I'm 16 years old I'm still playing basketball but on the highest level because it's basketball gave me a chance to be there. I've moved from Poland to America 5 months ago. It was my the biggest dream when I was younger. Now I'm hea loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '234670289' name: Why basketball? vect: '<188,-60>' time: 1513104614756 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- My dad and stepdad were strongly connected with basketball. My stepdad was one of the best point guards in Poland but he quit and started his own business. This is the reason he told me that I should start, he showed me first moves, NBA players, loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '900725444' name: Was that a decision hard? vect: '<300,48>' time: 1513105063859 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- Honestly no. I mean of course left your own country, family, friends, everything. Yes it sounds hard but the truth is different they are always with me they always motivates me to work harder and harder and I'm doing this for them. No mater am I loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '280868524' name: How do I feel about my dad? vect: '<122,0>' time: 1513353944323 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- When I was younger it was hard for me my feelings were broken. I really didn't know how to think about this. But it was when I was younger there were still my Mom which is the most important in the world for me also I knew since this moment that loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '26172828' name: How do I feel about my stepdad? vect: '<250,2>' time: 1513357983584 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- A lot of people who don't know me would ask why he even talk about this? Reason why is because a lot of people asking me for that how do I feel about this and is that hard for me like teenager, on other continent. So situation right now is not h loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1057419243' name: The hardest thing for me? vect: '<122,30>' time: 1513699512842 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: ' some people going down street and laughing because somebody can’t walk or somebody is blind or something else doesn’t matter. I’m talking about fact that people are disrespectful for each other. The fact that they can’t walk or they are blind I' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '985104540' name: How can I change it? vect: '<252,28>' time: 1513699972317 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- As I said in my story I would like to change it in some way and make it looks better. My biggest dream to make it better it’s to become someone in the future to make my voice and words stronger. I would like to make some commercials with people loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '2049837559' name: How can I achieve my dreams? vect: '<28,-10>' time: 1513136023600 imageFile: '' audioFile: 1206963521.wav remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1112330959' name: Motivation vect: '<184,16>' time: 1513103165140 imageFile: IMG_0051.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1063233131' name: Motivation vect: '<186,-36>' time: 1513103221941 imageFile: IMG_0210.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1509059098' name: PITT vect: '<60,-46>' time: 1513135478569 imageFile: IMG_0208.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '675254773' name: PITT vect: '<296,-42>' time: 1513135589867 imageFile: IMG_0212.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '682417560' name: Normal People vect: '<250,56>' time: 1513700533297 imageFile: ejjjj.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '699228538' name: Normal People vect: '<122,54>' time: 1513707045050 imageFile: dupa.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '659520159' name: My dream vect: '<182,38>' time: 1513707163973 imageFile: pupa.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>' doors:
    • uuid: '1951395680' name: How Can I prove them? vect: '<126,82>' time: 1513708179115 file: '1386908437' nameIsCustom: false autoTime: 0 autoDoors: [] narrator: intro: {} reprise: {} volume: 0.5
  • uuid: '1386908437' name: How Can I prove them? time: 1507736480931 file: '1386908437' image: uuid: '106014605' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<189.71737971850845,-7.190883098433469>' time: 1526490991521 file: R0010077_20171003114048.JPG remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' thumbnail: uuid: '109211397' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<185.97754192340108,2.5338396930799223>' time: 1526490991521 file: background_thumbnail.jpg remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' ambient: {} reverb: 'Off' front: '<180,80>' bgVolume: 0.5 texts: [] clips: [] images: [] video: [] universal:
    • uuid: '1742331800' name: My Bro vect: '<84,22>' time: 1507737733537 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- This is my Bro Ben we both love music and art. We like to spend time together during school and after. I'm very thankful to him because he really helps in my school work and language. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1825036703' name: What am I doing here? vect: '<178,-26>' time: 1513011807872 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- So actually in this room we can spend a lot of time after school. In this place me and my guy making music and thinking about some thinks which are happening around us. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '652933354' name: Music vect: '<312,-2>' time: 1513012559448 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- Like I said already music is really important in my life is motivates me, makes me feel better, always before the games it's makes me feel motivate and more ready for the game, when I'm sad or something I'm just starting listening to music and I loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '142730704' name: How I would like to change it? vect: '<32,-6>' time: 1513015713632 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- So first of all this is kinda a reason why I'm taking human rights to study about our rights and particular ways how Can I make world better? So I would like to realize people but now I have to get older and do something in my life, how importan loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '82080317' name: Free time vect: '<308,64>' time: 1513019773460 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- What am I doing in my free time? So actually I don't have to much free time all my free time I'm spending on basketball, reading books, making music and talking to my friends. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '2065379232' name: What is my motivation? vect: '<178,30>' time: 1513020107800 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- My motivation are people which keep saying me that I can't do this that I'm to lazy, even too stupid it motivates me the most also why am I doing this and for who? I'm doing this for my self and my good future. I'm doing this for my Mom and lit loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '104742472' name: Religion vect: '<264,64>' time: 1513021204109 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- A lot of people can not believe in that but short time ago something got changed in my life and I'm different person I believe. I don't know why what is the reason for that I just started. I'm not going to church and I'm not doing other stuff li loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '429277970' name: Pictures vect: '<108,64>' time: 1513021643665 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- Why am I putting the pictures of rappers in my project? So the answer is easy dose are not a normal rappers for me they are really important and they really change my life. Also in my opinion they are the best in the world and the most talented loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '978427809' name: My dream vect: '<176,-2>' time: 1513103051903 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: >- My dream it's simple I would like to see some day just me who can change the world and I'm really changing the world. This is my the biggest dream and I know that I can do this. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1247504003' name: Music Audio vect: '<336,-2>' time: 1513136622614 imageFile: '' audioFile: 1444663100.wav remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1390293150' name: '' vect: '<178,-54>' time: 1507738568694 imageFile: download.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '309355233' name: Motivation vect: '<176,64>' time: 1513019973092 imageFile: IMG_0168.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '660829887' name: 'I would like to see me some day like a professional ' vect: '<252,22>' time: 1513020430017 imageFile: IMG_0166.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '617131544' name: Wiz Khalifa vect: '<40,-62>' time: 1513020495286 imageFile: wiz.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '228430847' name: Lil Xan vect: '<324,-58>' time: 1513020604632 imageFile: lil-xan-2.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '939068403' name: NF vect: '<272,-50>' time: 1513020662233 imageFile: IMG_1638.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1266973797' name: Wiz & Snoop vect: '<46,58>' time: 1513864065827 imageFile: Mac%20and%20Devin.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: >- remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>' doors:
    • uuid: '2000457897' name: Eli vect: '<160,4>' time: 1525970281657 file: '869092419' nameIsCustom: true autoTime: 0 autoDoors: [] narrator: intro: {} reprise: {} volume: 0.5
  • uuid: '869092419' name: Eli time: 1507554982716 file: '869092419' image: uuid: '797884724' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<173.34485149793989,0.962470079334028>' time: 1526490991522 file: R0010716_20171003114027%2525252525252525252525252520(1).JPG remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' thumbnail: uuid: '39151490' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<183.68978614913524,8.8896871128341>' time: 1526490991522 file: background_thumbnail.jpg remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' ambient: uuid: '892960932' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<175.7424364264123,9.536060067572755>' time: 1526490991522 file: >- Room%2525252525252525252525252525201%252525252525252525252525252520Narraration.m4a remoteFile: >- volume: 0.5 reverb: 'Off' front: '<180,80>' bgVolume: 0.5 texts: [] clips: [] images: [] video: [] universal:
    • uuid: '400162097' name: My Mom vect: '<40,84>' time: 1513696082159 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: |2 Part of my dream comes from my experiences growing up in Pittsburgh. Ever since I can remember, my mom has been blind. I have watched her struggle with it a lot and I have watched her make great artwork. loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '467085352' name: Problem Solver vect: '<184,24>' time: 1513696466412 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: ' Problem Solving Calculator: Children often inherit their families beliefs and a lot of people in this world struggle to see how we are connected. If we could create a problem solving system and start a process of communicating and listen' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1921459838' name: More about my Mom vect: '<40,-36>' time: 1513709544879 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: ' Sometimes I feel really anxious watching my mom struggle. It happens every few months that she wants to be able to reverse it. I feel sympathetic and also I feel grateful that this hasn''t happened to me. It''s a little like a wakeup call to ' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1371407992' name: Heritage Audio vect: '<256,84>' time: 1507731138899 imageFile: '' audioFile: Intro%2520to%2520story%2520of%2520me.m4a remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: >- text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '353588707' name: I can't stay quiet vect: '<112,24>' time: 1513707730953 imageFile: '' audioFile: Room%25201%2520Audio.m4a remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: >- text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '681444125' name: More about my Mom vect: '<40,24>' time: 1513709501252 imageFile: '' audioFile: Mom%2520Audio.m4a remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: >- text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1785823996' name: My Mom's art vect: '<112,84>' time: 1513695246780 imageFile: moms%20art.JPG audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>'
    • uuid: '1885851005' name: Problem Solver vect: '<184,84>' time: 1513696393582 imageFile: calculator.jpg audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: '' loop: false volume: 0.5 size: '<2,1>' doors:
    • uuid: '948769656' name: My Life 2 vect: '<320,14>' time: 1525970319512 file: '2075687210' nameIsCustom: false autoTime: 0 autoDoors: [] narrator: intro: {} reprise: {} volume: 0.5
  • uuid: '2075687210' name: My Life 2 time: 1507731043050 file: '2075687210' image: uuid: '493971601' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<177.50443615482635,8.32767670720018>' time: 1526490991522 file: R0010418_20171003114033.JPG remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' thumbnail: uuid: '1551702343' name: !<,2002:js/undefined> '' vect: '<176.26126201052753,-6.469831996270699>' time: 1526490991522 file: background_thumbnail.jpg remoteFile: >- size: '<2,1>' ambient: {} reverb: 'Off' front: '<180,80>' bgVolume: 0.5 texts: [] clips: [] images: [] video: [] universal:
    • uuid: '2087346942' name: My dogs vect: '<324,84>' time: 1507731433200 imageFile: '' audioFile: '' remoteImageFile: '' remoteAudioFile: '' text: |2 Since I was 10 years old I’ve had two dogs. Otis is a small black and white dog, and Haven is a yellow lab. She is also a seeing eye dog for my mom. loop: false volume: 0.5 siz
emilt27 commented 6 years ago

@batchku Fixed!