I cloned this repo, but policyes does not work. User can not see him profile and also can not edit him profile if not admin.
my UserCanSeeProfile.js
module.exports = function(req, res, ok) {
var sessionUserMatchesId = req.session.User.id === req.param('id');
var isAdmin = req.session.User.admin;
// The requested id does not match the user's id,
// and this is not an admin
if (!(sessionUserMatchesId || isAdmin)) {
var noRightsError = [{name: 'noRights', message: 'You must be an admin.'}]
req.session.flash = {
err: noRightsError
my policies.js
module.exports.policies = {
// Default policy for all controllers and actions
// (`true` allows public access)
'*': "flash",
user: {
'new': "flash",
subscribe: ["flash", "authenticated"],
create: "flash",
show: true,
edit: "userCanSeeProfile",
update: "userCanSeeProfile",
'*': "admin"
// Here's an example of adding some policies to a controller
RabbitController: {
// Apply the `false` policy as the default for all of RabbitController's actions
// (`false` prevents all access, which ensures that nothing bad happens to our rabbits)
'*': false,
// For the action `nurture`, apply the 'isRabbitMother' policy
// (this overrides `false` above)
nurture : 'isRabbitMother',
// Apply the `isNiceToAnimals` AND `hasRabbitFood` policies
// before letting any users feed our rabbits
feed : ['isNiceToAnimals', 'hasRabbitFood']
I cloned this repo, but policyes does not work. User can not see him profile and also can not edit him profile if not admin.
my UserCanSeeProfile.js module.exports = function(req, res, ok) {
}; my policies.js
module.exports.policies = {