irmen / Pyro5

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starting ns checks differently host than locate ns #65

Closed janluak closed 2 years ago

janluak commented 2 years ago

the functions core.locate_ns and nameserver.start_ns check differently wether host is "localhost" or not:

lines based on latest_commit: f182529

This leads to a different behaviour of starting and looking for nameserver based on your host-system being identified as "localhost" or "" → if host provides "localhost", locate_ns cannot find the nameserver.

suggested fix: change line 701 in Pyro5.nameserver to if hostip.startswith("127.") or hostip in ("localhost", "::1"):

irmen commented 2 years ago

How is it possible that getsockname() returns "localhost" ? I thought it always returns an IP address.

irmen commented 2 years ago

In any case, I pushed a small change 1ac493342145b7b87bb0754244d5515533612a3d can you verify that this works for you?

janluak commented 2 years ago

Hey, thanks for the quick fix!

So the starting of the broadcast server with "localhost" is fixed. Therefore, the check bcserver is None is now consistent.

Yet, I can't get my head around why locating a name_server on localhost isn't working. I added some tests to get a better understanding of your implementation but still, I cannot figure out why locate_ns isn't working on localhost (even without broadcast server running). I'd expect to have all tests pass since all parameter are always referencing the default config...

Also, why is start_ns(host="") behaving differently than start_ns (host=None)?

class TestNameServerLocalhost:
    def _get_ip_of_host():
        import socket
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
            sock.connect(('', 1))
            ip_address = sock.getsockname()[0]
        return ip_address

    def setup_name_server(self, host, broadcast):
        config.POLLTIMEOUT = 0.1
        self.nsUri, self.nameserver, self.bcserver = Pyro5.nameserver.start_ns(host=host, enableBroadcast=broadcast)
        if self.bcserver is not None:
            self.bcthread = self.bcserver.runInThread()

    def teardown_method(self):
        if self.bcserver is not None:

        ("host", "port", "broadcast"),
                ("", None, True),   # default config
                ("", None, False),
                ("localhost", None, True),
                ("localhost", None, False),
                ("localhost", 9090, True),
                ("localhost", 9090, False),
                ("", None, True),
                ("", None, False),
                ("", 9090, True),
                ("", 9090, False),
    def test_locate_ns_on_localhost(self, start_ns_param_host, host, port, broadcast):
        self.setup_name_server(start_ns_param_host, broadcast)
        if host:
            assert host in self.nsUri
        if broadcast:
            assert self.bcserver
            assert self.bcserver is None
        ns = Pyro5.core.locate_ns(host=host, port=port, broadcast=broadcast)  # lookup on localhost
        assert isinstance(ns, Pyro5.client.Proxy)

    def test_locate_ns_with_host_ip(self):
        self.setup_name_server(self._get_ip_of_host(), True)
        assert self.bcserver
        ns = Pyro5.core.locate_ns()  # broadcast lookup even if host ip
        assert isinstance(ns, Pyro5.client.Proxy)
irmen commented 2 years ago

why locate_ns isn't working on localhost

I've never seen this fail so it's some funky setup that causes it. I tried messing with my /etc/hosts yesterday to reroute "localhost" to something else but even that didn't break it.

How is the above test file supposed to work? You're starting a name server daemon in setup_name_server but its event loop is never called so the test blocks immediately as soon as a connection is made in the locate_ns() call because the request is never served.

janluak commented 2 years ago

I am working on a M1 Mac natively and within docker. Something seems to be really off...

Well, I was comparing to your class TestNameServer0000: the name_server isn't going into event loop either, only bcserver is.

Anyways, I added an event loop and in deed: now 3 instead of 2 tests are green.

import threading

class TestNameServerLocalhost:
    _run = True

    def _condition(self):
        return self._run

    def _get_ip_of_host():
        import socket
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
            sock.connect(('', 1))
            ip_address = sock.getsockname()[0]
        return ip_address

    def setup_name_server(self, host, broadcast):
        config.POLLTIMEOUT = 0.1
        self.nsUri, self.nameserver, self.bcserver = Pyro5.nameserver.start_ns(host=host, enableBroadcast=broadcast)
        self.thread = threading.Thread(target=self.nameserver.requestLoop, args=[self._condition])
        if self.bcserver is not None:
            self.bcthread = self.bcserver.runInThread()

    def teardown_method(self):
        self._run = False
        if self.bcserver is not None:

        ("host", "port", "broadcast"),
                ("", None, True),   # default config
                ("", None, False),
                ("localhost", None, True),
                ("localhost", None, False),
                ("localhost", 9090, True),
                ("localhost", 9090, False),
                ("", None, True),
                ("", None, False),
                ("", 9090, True),
                ("", 9090, False),
    def test_locate_ns_on_localhost(self, start_ns_param_host, host, port, broadcast):
        self.setup_name_server(start_ns_param_host, broadcast)
        if host:
            assert host in self.nsUri
        if broadcast:
            assert self.bcserver
            assert self.bcserver is None
        ns = Pyro5.core.locate_ns(host=host, port=port, broadcast=broadcast)  # lookup on localhost
        assert isinstance(ns, Pyro5.client.Proxy)

    def test_locate_ns_with_host_ip(self):
        self.setup_name_server(self._get_ip_of_host(), True)
        assert self.bcserver
        ns = Pyro5.core.locate_ns()  # broadcast lookup even if host ip
        assert isinstance(ns, Pyro5.client.Proxy)
irmen commented 2 years ago

The assert host in self.nsUri line is weird, URI's are not iterable. So when I run the tests, almost all fail with:

      assert host in self.nsUri

E TypeError: argument of type 'URI' is not iterable

irmen commented 2 years ago

@janluak sorry for the ping. but do you think you can clean up that issue with the test, mentioned above?

irmen commented 2 years ago

The difference between host="" and host=None is documented here

I'm closing this issue as it seems stale now. Feel free to reopen if this is still occurring.