irods / irods_rule_engine_plugin_logical_quotas

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rodsadmin group own permission prevents collection monitoring #46

Closed tedgin closed 2 years ago

tedgin commented 2 years ago

When the rodsadmin group has own permission on a collection, usage monitoring on that collection cannot be started due to an access permission error. The rodsadmin group permissions should not prevent collection monitoring.

Here's an example. The rodsadmi group has own permission on the coge user's home collection.

[irods@ds-dev-ies ~]$ ils -A /
        ACL -   
        Inheritance - Disabled

When as a rodsadmin type user I attempt to start monitoring this collection, I get a -818000, no access permission error.

[irods@ds-dev-ies ~]$ irule -r irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance "logical_quotas_start_monitoring_collection('/')" null ruleExecOut
remote addresses: ERROR: rcExecMyRule error.  status = -1205000 RE_RUNTIME_ERROR
Level 0: cannot set metadata: Unknown error -818000
Level 1: DEBUG: 

If I remove rodadmin group permission from the collection, I can start monitoring it.

[irods@ds-dev-ies ~]$ ichmod -M null rodsadmin /
[irods@ds-dev-ies ~]$ irule -r irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance "logical_quotas_start_monitoring_collection('/')" null ruleExecOut
[irods@ds-dev-ies ~]$ imeta ls -C /
AVUs defined for collection /
attribute: irods::logical_quotas::total_number_of_data_objects
value: 0
attribute: irods::logical_quotas::total_size_in_bytes
value: 0
trel commented 2 years ago

That definitely looks like a bug. Can you share the rodsLog entries when that occurs?

trel commented 2 years ago

And we'll want to confirm/deny it reproduces on 4.2.10 / 4-2-stable.

tedgin commented 2 years ago

Here's the log entries related to the failure.

Nov  4 14:57:07 pid:22721 NOTICE: rsModAVUMetadata: rcModAVUMetadata failed
Nov  4 14:57:07 pid:22721 remote addresses:, ERROR: cannot set metadata: Unknown error -818000
Nov  4 14:57:07 pid:22721 remote addresses:, ERROR: executeRuleAction Failed for logical_quotas_start_monitoring_collection status = -1205000 RE_RUNTIME_ERROR
Nov  4 14:57:07 pid:22721 NOTICE: executeRuleBody: Microservice or Action logical_quotas_start_monitoring_collection Failed with status -1205000
Nov  4 14:57:07 pid:22721 NOTICE: execRuleNodeRes: applyRule Failed: rule with status -1205000
Nov  4 14:57:07 pid:22721 DEBUG: 
Nov  4 14:57:07 pid:22721 NOTICE: execMyRule @external rule { logical_quotas_start_monitoring_collection('/') } Failed with status -1205000
Nov  4 14:57:07 pid:22721 remote addresses:, ERROR: rsExecMyRule : -1205000, [-]   /irods_git_repo/plugins/rule_engines/irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language/libirods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language.cpp:391:irods::error exec_rule_text(irods::default_re_ctx &, const std::string &, msParamArray_t *, const std::string &, irods::callback) :  status [RE_RUNTIME_ERROR]  errno [] -- message [execMyRule failed for rule @external rule { logical_quotas_start_monitoring_collection('/') }]
tedgin commented 2 years ago

It appears that the workaround is to temporarily remove rodsadmin permission when starting monitoring. Usage tracking itself seems to work when this group has permission on a collection.

-bash-4.2$ ichmod -M null rodsadmin .
-bash-4.2$ irule -r irods_rule_engine_plugin-irods_rule_language-instance "logical_quotas_start_monitoring_collection('/tempZone/home/rods')" null ruleExecOut
-bash-4.2$ ichmod -M own rodsadmin .
-bash-4.2$ imeta ls -C .
AVUs defined for collection /tempZone/home/rods:
attribute: irods::logical_quotas::total_number_of_data_objects
value: 1
attribute: irods::logical_quotas::total_size_in_bytes
value: 224
-bash-4.2$ iput irodsctl
-bash-4.2$ imeta ls -C .
AVUs defined for collection /tempZone/home/rods:
attribute: irods::logical_quotas::total_number_of_data_objects
value: 2
attribute: irods::logical_quotas::total_size_in_bytes
value: 507
trel commented 2 years ago

I bet this is related...

trel commented 2 years ago

Hmm, maybe not.

korydraughn commented 2 years ago

I've reproduced this on Ubuntu 16 and iRODS 4.2.10.

korydraughn commented 2 years ago

This bug is due to the plugin attempting to become a user called rodsadmin which isn't allowed because it's a group. The fix is to become the original owner of the collection before invoking metadata operations.

@tedgin Is the use of the rodsadmin group just for example purposes? You aren't expecting members of that group to be treated as admins are you?

trel commented 2 years ago

We've created to reduce this confusion/collision for new installs.

tedgin commented 2 years ago

I don't expect members of the group rodsadmin to be treated as rodsadmin type users, although historically that was the the case. All rodsadmin type users belonged to this group. By giving this group access to a data object or collection, you allowed any rodsadmin type user to access it without each admin user having to grant themself access before accessing. I guess it decluttered the output of ils -A too. I don't see much value in the group as it was intended to be used. We use it slightly differently. Certain highly trusted services like the DE are given accounts that belong to the rodsadmin group. Our rule logic ensures that the rodsadmin group has own permission on everything. This allows these services to have unfettered access to user data.

trel commented 2 years ago

"historically that was the case"

Is this true? Did changing a rodsuser to rodsadmin (or creating a new rodsadmin user) put them in the rodsadmin group automatically?

If true, we need to go chase down that code...

tedgin commented 2 years ago

I''m not certain. Browsing irods-chat, it appears that as far back as iRODS 2.2, users had to be manually added to rodsadmin group. See

trel commented 2 years ago

Got it - thanks for the link.

I don't think it's helpful to have a rodsadmin group at all. Confusing at best, misleading/damaging at worst.