A bug happened!
Multi-Asset Send transaction succeeds even though asset balance is 0.
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ubuntu@ip-172-31-13-0:~$ ironfish wallet:send
? Select the asset you wish to send ab318df3f6a5df135ecfe40f524044254e9a6c8f7fafc521ff65343ca892b014 (Sojourner)
Enter the amount (balance: 0.00000000): 0
Enter the public address of the recipient: dfc2679369551e64e3950e06a88e68466e813c63b100283520045925adbe59ca
Enter the fee amount in $IRON (min: 0.00000001 recommended: 0.00000001) [0.00000001]: 0.00000001
You are about to send:
ab318df3f6a5df135ecfe40f524044254e9a6c8f7fafc521ff65343ca892b014 0.00000000 plus a transaction fee of $IRON 0.00000001 to dfc2679369551e64e3950e06a88e68466e813c63b100283520045925adbe59ca from the account default
* This action is NOT reversible *
Do you confirm (Y/N)?: Y
Creating the transaction: [████████████████████████████████████████] 100% | ETA: 0s
Sending ab318df3f6a5df135ecfe40f524044254e9a6c8f7fafc521ff65343ca892b014 0.00000000 to dfc2679369551e64e3950e06a88e68466e813c63b100283520045925adbe59ca from default
Transaction Hash: 61425143edb556caae7ca178e4cc9ec93104f5d6a5e1451e1fd65c6422838a79
Transaction fee: $IRON 0.00000001
Find the transaction on https://explorer.ironfish.network/transaction/61425143edb556caae7ca178e4cc9ec93104f5d6a5e1451e1fd65c6422838a79 (it can take a few minutes before the transaction appears in the Explorer)
What happened?
A bug happened! Multi-Asset Send transaction succeeds even though asset balance is 0.
Debug output
No response
Relevant log output