Closed cyberguy85 closed 1 year ago
same, how to downgrade or when to fix this
This looks to be the issue with hosts.json file that get wiped out during the upgrade. I was able to restore hosts.json from a backup and the sync started again.
Samee.. how to fix that :'(
If you forcibly update the hosts.json file on the datadir side, Sink is possible.
I don't know if this is the normal way.
First, "ironfish stop" and overwrite the contents of the hosts.json file attached at the bottom or the hosts.json file of Node that is normally synced.
After that, you can do "ironfish start" again.
{ "priorPeers": [ { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "dvktLmdyUOyfbqalB3uDS4E7NMJEh7V0e/Dqab077Ws=", "name": "maattruth99" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "edSCqACWlwKpFYgdMLOCvmQTUlq0WTzcjXkeVw4/xDo=", "name": "ihornode" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "CYyiUQ5ZKNwTV+Fgea37HS5Hl0aXeAC/eiehbevkAxc=", "name": "zakplot1" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "1S2iDM4vKgNnGY9YX0kx6eYDfJDQ95DcmfEbjvWRchQ=", "name": "jiyan" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "PZsev/sKDzPxI8xjfdokYPET/UUvr7HFKoRq7kjqplo=", "name": "DpsW3ACK43a" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "VSmctmqDVahU2o3G1TR8XAzbGwnu9HRR+mh1DQS0bkw=", "name": "vGiHOoEu1KO9D" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "ABAq3f4zKfv4nZryK9QeBjRzHFBcXxdKliQvJ/Er/0Y=", "name": "FQz2ZEYaQx2CbJ9" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "KUOrDF84K16XKgiaMHmisSiCmZ1PAi5zez/mfntjOl0=", "name": "Antessahiren" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "HxkZoB7VhU3hrlhzq5/Pp712yAqMpLZK/dpwO0QFy30=", "name": "ClK8Rc5PhoviT" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "LDkIuaEc2bYwjcZQ7l8Iw3SUbFMOVY6rZsaQerSwmn4=", "name": "sv4078224" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "siNfjMPFuOPD8LMnvNDLyOCw9PpG6vIoOifrxlO1t3k=", "name": "gnWsucA8CmJo" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "rsfjOLg9QR8Gq197zEf+o6hFc2xfZ7WyKIyzfWXxxxc=", "name": "GcvRMOFHbUw3d" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "srvt1MeBLOKsqvvsmpNWdeqXGP5xIDUk7nRN9zZEonY=", "name": "Vanda" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "nR/TH7MiHSaddwZvGSfDxw1cX2tJcAJBTAITM9t3F2A=", "name": "oaJa7dJcgIaHGp" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "ETdMYgm+GXbHMzA5o7nnfXcrDpETMt/c4y4J0bD5bk8=", "name": "poppy.gibbons" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "svIyqSEsBR7CBIBGXtKPuG4Rby7DTAKr4+j2eg+RdQE=", "name": "" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "60amRyIJbxskdqFP9Nms3xGkXp5X58sDNlu0U+8IIXM=", "name": "Onyo" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "5lVhVQQtjLmhysajMF58PuWRP4qM6mdTgjBFLawh1kU=", "name": "zippy-graffiti" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "m1p3QHPBHapAlLypL8NUgbFk/fdx2sF0txzc0HFn5kQ=", "name": "fuhC5azewSBp" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "c9MFI1WMkxUxAxGPbzEiu3QoDH4WQAo4bMFHIGdHfik=", "name": "mMVHIv9ojgkkj6r" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "FRsg51B9uiDLax/v4wlqg6Gp8LHet1XAXxqOLCujuHo=", "name": "bobik222" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "+JBwfCAi3S9F5SeO/sXifOgwWYDJIlIJ4Gip7hs2sno=", "name": "yu0719" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "6WGeJEJSr0/PPDjBJswCowVZoB6bp63bGhCiQOTaMDU=", "name": "krasov" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "ShKUf1tSH+aWOHbXsMtUDhg9Eiui426RZIGelav1jgs=", "name": "RqCPMwlVRxUx" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "U9FqT7DPd5hfovbvNEMNgtMS+RTupXVTIbzNjyKnSmA=", "name": "soulbound" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "svqVdLNhHcQuuyQgvGD1fqDnhsGRKw5UixjumCtGyhs=", "name": "MIHALICH" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "iSZlE/LtXJRo2XZOQVrNEcSb2sSq85yefDP88FChQlQ=", "name": "Avangard" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "YqYbsTjkXiNoAn70qYUndhbysyD2s1jqyPQUPor7bjE=", "name": "cryptoculturist" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "U/3sE/R+z8w8ZaQxsf7h0d6W7tRrqIGZoWzEQr9x0lw=", "name": "jUjqKWq7J0UiKC" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "fRC7yEnGSfPHNUE0g6PJ7tM0GA0PB2XqdLjuidtrCVo=", "name": "" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "MSCckv7lQZoSRGSQW2tL4UpBE93cDi3wsCc2F0mNjUQ=", "name": "igormarkovskij348" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "fW2oVdfmG3OpGzM/+IxjmdjYFZCn/IHecmKOWtP83DE=", "name": "vzWwwBTSiH0raxL" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "RuXj0EfYZ+MWh/Prq3RHJdWDx2u6i4LsG5L4wAd0zzY=", "name": "seagheth176" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "LoQlHru3TNg7ZQKT914m3tqzg3wNDpWNm5uE1dthNDQ=", "name": "" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "akeaktO4LevDtPbncpUyg1KqkOI8yLXbhxCwSuI0vAU=", "name": "ponamsnej" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "NV2D9dd2htx77LPYqwlWK5P+PiUmrCzKdXRK4pCuxVI=", "name": "ValiaNekr" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "CLLlJ0uBtRCsF77ItM3qg6gBAkx/GQmiiyMRQ9AmqyM=", "name": "prihodkodmitrij789" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "AUVWuZd8mKx+4oY3yvqfKD4SXIzq0PU52rbYaGLo41E=", "name": "sjiccsxz2I77Z" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "8BIfPTC+/g3IyHWbdm5pzAzHgyStOxLkNy8b/3YFUQ8=", "name": "Toma" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "9Xu1FPmleUH+SvuUEQWaIcJdXqUmeBUq+qMz0CpddDo=", "name": "Tolyan" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "6KJK6KBykWEu8Cwi6NwKGXcJIolb8uv/RffOjs971UI=", "name": "Vulpes" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "migiKCJFSD85RG2WPUeimGm0OjfQMUMUi/sTB54K4Tg=", "name": "blackeagle" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "axQuW0nwRRNdBMErgBj+AP9G82unKBx8DVEs+tKFNSs=", "name": "ironfishmen1" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "L2rwWW6HY1nz0ARriFCAioGu1rMFNOZH/z2LSyG88RI=", "name": "hCO3jIAzQLJjJ" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "+0+EGqaGt4w7ZcaXNjt4xMltO6ewZAlVWb3tcoX7amA=", "name": "encoderrr" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "Fl0FmazODHxRs7TL1vSpqXD2QaeDqTUxM5DiKgdZDzA=", "name": "deverloop" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "CMTcV/oICLmrk5hXhvDooVhCsNVT4YKS1QuIJ63EYjM=", "name": "" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "zE8am6d85nCHIhdjBTjphlzR1I2gZtxujscXLW8GWCQ=", "name": "NguyenLam" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "w3Ag6FFVVUHhvHaAg4FJG7xRizpDB6YOHDYVBfZbOyA=", "name": "VKQompZjvJWus" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "gHsbDrYoHoJdno2sv18/KbAyu6DfG143WBtFmZ3SxkU=", "name": "cbjp7130" } ] }
Samee.. how to fix that :'(
Check if your hosts file is empty ./ironfish/hosts.json ``
If you forcibly update the hosts.json file on the datadir side, Sink is possible.
I don't know if this is the normal way.
First, "ironfish stop" and overwrite the contents of the hosts.json file attached at the bottom or the hosts.json file of Node that is normally synced.
After that, you can do "ironfish start" again.
{ "priorPeers": [ { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "dvktLmdyUOyfbqalB3uDS4E7NMJEh7V0e/Dqab077Ws=", "name": "maattruth99" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "edSCqACWlwKpFYgdMLOCvmQTUlq0WTzcjXkeVw4/xDo=", "name": "ihornode" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "CYyiUQ5ZKNwTV+Fgea37HS5Hl0aXeAC/eiehbevkAxc=", "name": "zakplot1" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "1S2iDM4vKgNnGY9YX0kx6eYDfJDQ95DcmfEbjvWRchQ=", "name": "jiyan" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "PZsev/sKDzPxI8xjfdokYPET/UUvr7HFKoRq7kjqplo=", "name": "DpsW3ACK43a" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "VSmctmqDVahU2o3G1TR8XAzbGwnu9HRR+mh1DQS0bkw=", "name": "vGiHOoEu1KO9D" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "ABAq3f4zKfv4nZryK9QeBjRzHFBcXxdKliQvJ/Er/0Y=", "name": "FQz2ZEYaQx2CbJ9" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "KUOrDF84K16XKgiaMHmisSiCmZ1PAi5zez/mfntjOl0=", "name": "Antessahiren" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "HxkZoB7VhU3hrlhzq5/Pp712yAqMpLZK/dpwO0QFy30=", "name": "ClK8Rc5PhoviT" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "LDkIuaEc2bYwjcZQ7l8Iw3SUbFMOVY6rZsaQerSwmn4=", "name": "sv4078224" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "siNfjMPFuOPD8LMnvNDLyOCw9PpG6vIoOifrxlO1t3k=", "name": "gnWsucA8CmJo" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "rsfjOLg9QR8Gq197zEf+o6hFc2xfZ7WyKIyzfWXxxxc=", "name": "GcvRMOFHbUw3d" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "srvt1MeBLOKsqvvsmpNWdeqXGP5xIDUk7nRN9zZEonY=", "name": "Vanda" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "nR/TH7MiHSaddwZvGSfDxw1cX2tJcAJBTAITM9t3F2A=", "name": "oaJa7dJcgIaHGp" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "ETdMYgm+GXbHMzA5o7nnfXcrDpETMt/c4y4J0bD5bk8=", "name": "poppy.gibbons" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "svIyqSEsBR7CBIBGXtKPuG4Rby7DTAKr4+j2eg+RdQE=", "name": "" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "60amRyIJbxskdqFP9Nms3xGkXp5X58sDNlu0U+8IIXM=", "name": "Onyo" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "5lVhVQQtjLmhysajMF58PuWRP4qM6mdTgjBFLawh1kU=", "name": "zippy-graffiti" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "m1p3QHPBHapAlLypL8NUgbFk/fdx2sF0txzc0HFn5kQ=", "name": "fuhC5azewSBp" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "c9MFI1WMkxUxAxGPbzEiu3QoDH4WQAo4bMFHIGdHfik=", "name": "mMVHIv9ojgkkj6r" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "FRsg51B9uiDLax/v4wlqg6Gp8LHet1XAXxqOLCujuHo=", "name": "bobik222" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "+JBwfCAi3S9F5SeO/sXifOgwWYDJIlIJ4Gip7hs2sno=", "name": "yu0719" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "6WGeJEJSr0/PPDjBJswCowVZoB6bp63bGhCiQOTaMDU=", "name": "krasov" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "ShKUf1tSH+aWOHbXsMtUDhg9Eiui426RZIGelav1jgs=", "name": "RqCPMwlVRxUx" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "U9FqT7DPd5hfovbvNEMNgtMS+RTupXVTIbzNjyKnSmA=", "name": "soulbound" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "svqVdLNhHcQuuyQgvGD1fqDnhsGRKw5UixjumCtGyhs=", "name": "MIHALICH" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "iSZlE/LtXJRo2XZOQVrNEcSb2sSq85yefDP88FChQlQ=", "name": "Avangard" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "YqYbsTjkXiNoAn70qYUndhbysyD2s1jqyPQUPor7bjE=", "name": "cryptoculturist" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "U/3sE/R+z8w8ZaQxsf7h0d6W7tRrqIGZoWzEQr9x0lw=", "name": "jUjqKWq7J0UiKC" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "fRC7yEnGSfPHNUE0g6PJ7tM0GA0PB2XqdLjuidtrCVo=", "name": "" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "MSCckv7lQZoSRGSQW2tL4UpBE93cDi3wsCc2F0mNjUQ=", "name": "igormarkovskij348" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "fW2oVdfmG3OpGzM/+IxjmdjYFZCn/IHecmKOWtP83DE=", "name": "vzWwwBTSiH0raxL" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "RuXj0EfYZ+MWh/Prq3RHJdWDx2u6i4LsG5L4wAd0zzY=", "name": "seagheth176" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "LoQlHru3TNg7ZQKT914m3tqzg3wNDpWNm5uE1dthNDQ=", "name": "" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "akeaktO4LevDtPbncpUyg1KqkOI8yLXbhxCwSuI0vAU=", "name": "ponamsnej" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "NV2D9dd2htx77LPYqwlWK5P+PiUmrCzKdXRK4pCuxVI=", "name": "ValiaNekr" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "CLLlJ0uBtRCsF77ItM3qg6gBAkx/GQmiiyMRQ9AmqyM=", "name": "prihodkodmitrij789" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "AUVWuZd8mKx+4oY3yvqfKD4SXIzq0PU52rbYaGLo41E=", "name": "sjiccsxz2I77Z" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "8BIfPTC+/g3IyHWbdm5pzAzHgyStOxLkNy8b/3YFUQ8=", "name": "Toma" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "9Xu1FPmleUH+SvuUEQWaIcJdXqUmeBUq+qMz0CpddDo=", "name": "Tolyan" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "6KJK6KBykWEu8Cwi6NwKGXcJIolb8uv/RffOjs971UI=", "name": "Vulpes" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "migiKCJFSD85RG2WPUeimGm0OjfQMUMUi/sTB54K4Tg=", "name": "blackeagle" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "axQuW0nwRRNdBMErgBj+AP9G82unKBx8DVEs+tKFNSs=", "name": "ironfishmen1" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "L2rwWW6HY1nz0ARriFCAioGu1rMFNOZH/z2LSyG88RI=", "name": "hCO3jIAzQLJjJ" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "+0+EGqaGt4w7ZcaXNjt4xMltO6ewZAlVWb3tcoX7amA=", "name": "encoderrr" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "Fl0FmazODHxRs7TL1vSpqXD2QaeDqTUxM5DiKgdZDzA=", "name": "deverloop" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "CMTcV/oICLmrk5hXhvDooVhCsNVT4YKS1QuIJ63EYjM=", "name": "" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "zE8am6d85nCHIhdjBTjphlzR1I2gZtxujscXLW8GWCQ=", "name": "NguyenLam" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "w3Ag6FFVVUHhvHaAg4FJG7xRizpDB6YOHDYVBfZbOyA=", "name": "VKQompZjvJWus" }, { "address": "", "port": 9033, "identity": "gHsbDrYoHoJdno2sv18/KbAyu6DfG143WBtFmZ3SxkU=", "name": "cbjp7130" } ] }
Thank you for sharing the steps to temporarily fix the issue. I think the team needs to check a root cause of this still.
Workaround doesn't work in Docker container, because we cannot stop ironfish inside it, and therefore rewrite hosts.json file. If we copy hosts.json file from host with command: docker cp ./hosts.json ironfish_container:/root/.ironfish/hosts.json it will not be affected, because running ironfish container rewrite with empty .json array. Please, fix the bug.
UPD: it was fixed by itself, now nodes in SYNCYND mode. How it could happened by itself?! Seems like node can fill .json file at any time.
What happened?
After 0.1.63 upgrade SYNCER is in a STOPPED state and nothing seems to start it. I tried resetting DB, restarting service and re-installing again.
The issue seem to be with the hosts.json file that get wiped our during the upgrade. Below are some instructions how to populate the file back for the node to start syncing again. However, the method described in further threads only works if you run node as a service. For the docker version the root cause of the issue needs to be fixed.
Peer Agent ironfish/0.1.63/693ff0f Peer Port 9033 Bootstrap
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