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wip: adds IronfishEvm methods to simulate tx execution #5109

Open hughy opened 2 days ago

hughy commented 2 days ago


adds 'withStatelessVM', inspired by withTransaction, to use a shallow copy of the underlying vm for execution

using challowCopy creates a vm instance with empty caches over the committed database state. use of shallowCopy follows the example of gas estimation

wraps handler execution with checkpoint/revert logic over the evm journal to ensure that cached state is not committed to the database

updates EvmStateDB to return itself in shallowCopy so that it does not create a duplicate datastore

Testing Plan


Does this change require any updates to the Iron Fish Docs (ex. the RPC API Reference)? If yes, link a related documentation pull request for the website.

[ ] Yes

Breaking Change

Is this a breaking change? If yes, add notes below on why this is breaking and label it with breaking-change-rpc or breaking-change-sdk.

[ ] Yes