iron-meteor / iron-router

A client and server side router designed specifically for Meteor.
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User get's logout after reloading a page #1504

Closed jakubjafra closed 8 years ago

jakubjafra commented 8 years ago


I have an issue when using meteor and trying to reload current page (I use iron-router for routing). When I try to reload page using

// or
window.location = window.location;

The reload is happening but soon after (only in production, not at localhost) user gets logout. I think this is a bug. Is there any way to reload page without logout?

Or, maybe, there is a bug in my controllers in routing. There are configured as follows:

        onBeforeAction: function () {
            if(Meteor.user() !== null) {
                if(Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.userId(), 'client'))
            } else

Are there correct? Maybe when browser try to render new page the iron router calls Meteor.logout() due to some bug in here.


chrisbutler commented 8 years ago

@khronedev your Meteor.logout() is probably getting called somehow, because reloading will re-run subscriptions/publications. you can use console.log() statements to check this

it's also better to check for a user with if (Meteor.userId()) because of reactivity and also the possibility that the user document hasn't been loaded on the client when this function is first run