iron-software / IronSoftware.System.Drawing

An open-source System.Drawing.Common replacement for .NET 5 and above on all platforms. Bringing together System.Drawing, Maui, and ImageSharp's Bitmap, Image, Font, and Shape types via an agnostic free NuGet package.
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MissingMethodException when running with ImageSharp v3.0.0 #47

Closed natehitze closed 1 year ago

natehitze commented 1 year ago

We're getting the following exception after installing ImageSharp v3.0.0:

System.MissingMethodException Method not found: 'Void SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpEncoder.set_BitsPerPixel(System.Nullable1<SixLabors.ImageSharp.Formats.Bmp.BmpBitsPerPixel>)'. at IronSoftware.Drawing.AnyBitmap.op_Implicit(Image1 Image) at IronBarCode.GeneratedBarcode.Render() at IronBarCode.GeneratedBarcode.get_() at IronBarCode.GeneratedBarcode.ToPngBinaryData()

This is with BarCode version 2023.3.2.

michael-ironsoftware commented 1 year ago

Hello @natehitze we are aware of this issue and working hard on a fix. Will update here once it's fixed.

michael-ironsoftware commented 1 year ago

Hello @natehitze this is fixed and released.

If you wish to use ImageSharp v3.x and above please use 2023.4.2-prerelease. Found here.

Add this to your .csproj:

<PackageReference Include="IronSoftware.System.Drawing" Version="2023.4.2-prerelease" />