iron76 / bnt_time_varying

Maximum-a-posteriori dynamic estimation for linkwise dynamic quantities
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Multimodal parametric identification #13

Open iron76 opened 9 years ago

iron76 commented 9 years ago

The EM-based hyper-paramters identification should be modified to perform parametric identification. This requires the definition of the base parameters, i.e. the invariance of the log-likelihood function L with respect to the dynamic parameters theta. In particular, there exists a matrix N such that L(theta) = L(theta + N . n) for all choices of theta and n. Numerically, it is convenient to restrict choices of theta in the subspace orthogonal to the space generated by the columns of N. Let's denote with B the matrix whose columns generate the space orthogonal to N. We then restrict the choices of theta as follows: theta = B . gamma for arbitrary choices of gamma. Optimisation is then performed on gamma. Instead of optimising L(theta) we optimise L(B . gamma) = L_bar(gamma). Derivatives are defined as follows:

d L_bar / d gamma = B' d L / d theta

I will work on this issue with @traversaro.