ironarachne / muna

Made-Up Name API
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[Feature Request] Names for other things than characters; such as castles, caves, forests, ... #1

Open burdoto opened 4 months ago

burdoto commented 4 months ago

title has it all

BenOvermyer commented 1 month ago

The title does not, in fact, have it all.

I can infer from the title that you're looking for a place name generator, but you'll have to be more specific.

What kind of output are you expecting? Do you want an endpoint that will give random, uncategorized place names (e.g., a result set like The Rock of Budaz,The Crags of Mumumu,The Forest of Arget), or several endpoints for specific categories of place names (e.g., /places/cave/50, /places/forest/50)?

Do you want the output to be wholly "translated" (e.g., il Gantr t'Lorra) or just tacked on (e.g., the Forest of Lorra)?

burdoto commented 1 month ago

Oh, thats my fault, I'm sorry. I wasnt aware that such things as endpoints were also a solution, tho the lore related translations are also a very good point.

For my use case, simple names such as "Ravines of Sinnoh" would be sufficient (i have janked together a temporary solution that just combines an adverb with a noun). However, of course it would be pretty nice to have an option for variants like lore related translations.