ironbane / IronbaneServerLegacy

A 3D MMO written using pure javascript.
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[bank] bank completely disappears and won't come back if you exit to menu while interface is up #401

Open msouth opened 10 years ago

msouth commented 10 years ago

I've done this twice with two consecutive newly created characters. Thought it was related to #388 , but then I went back and tried it with another character that wasn't displaying #388 at the time. I think it's general.

1) Go to the bank, and walk up to it so that the bank interaction interface is visible.

388 visible

2) With the bank interface still up hit esc, and click the OK button to go to the main menu.

Glitch Baby Glitch

3) Immediately re-enter Ironbane as the same character you just were.

gone daddy gone, the bank is gone

You come back, standing where the bank interface ought to be showing, but there is no interface.

Logging in again in a new incognito window doesn't fix it. That bank interface doesn't come back. Logged in under a completely different browser. Bank interface won't come up.

SoGlitch and GlitchBabyG from my msouthbb account, and 'throwaway' from my msouth account, are currently in this state. I'm planning on leaving them like that in case someone wants to investigate.

All of this testing was done in an incognito window with Chrome on a MacBook Air, except for one test with 'throwaway' at the end where I used a firefox browser to make sure it had nothing to do with Chrome caching something..

msouth commented 10 years ago

My son claims, and I have just confirmed I believe, that a server restart restores the usage of the bank. The contents of the bank appear to be unaffected.

lschans commented 10 years ago

Is this on the latest code? I know we made some fixes meanwhile. Please pull and make sure that the bug still exist.