ironbane / IronbaneServerLegacy

A 3D MMO written using pure javascript.
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Temporary save-your-place tokens for parkour (or anywhere) #415

Open msouth opened 10 years ago

msouth commented 10 years ago

Most of the difficult parkour I find too frustrating to keep going at. It might be a nice item to be able to drop a token saying "teleport me here on request". You could drop it at a stopping point that is hard to get to so you can just work on completing the rest of it.

Could also be used for any hard to get to place, or even stuff that is just a long walk from /stuck.

(Remember that as devs you teleport where you want, so unless you are regularly playing the game as a regular user you're not experiencing the "fun" of walking all the way back to snuffles, etc.)

This could be an item you find or buy. It could be single use--drop it and you can teleport there, but only once. That would be one balance mechanism. Another mechanism would be that it took up a space in your inventory. This would also provide an activation mechanism. You activate that item in your inventory to "place" it. Then the inventory shows that it's active. Re-activating it takes you to that place. If it's single use, that would be the end of the item, if not, it goes back to the 'unactivated' state in your inventory.

If it's not permanent, it wouldn't be that much use for the parkour thing, it's just one less fall. But one-use teleport tokens could be valuable to people for other considerations, maybe a dangerous area or whatever.

bsparks commented 10 years ago

I like it, also thinking there could be some variations on the items. Something for the "wizard" class to carry around a book of teleport, or a staff or whatever. Also there could be 2 items like you say, of mark and recall. I also think (once we have grouping) there should be group teleporting as well (more expensive / rare). Also, don't forget this is a steampunk (or supposed to be) game, so there can also be magically infused machinery to do this. (or portable retractable ladders for the parkour).