ironbane / IronbaneServerLegacy

A 3D MMO written using pure javascript.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Sapphire Cave Boss Mechanics #455

Open TheRestIsATest opened 10 years ago

TheRestIsATest commented 10 years ago

Z'lish the Crazy: 100%-0% HP: Spawns 2 Glowing crystals randomly on the field, players around the crystal take x amount of damage every second. 50%-0% HP: Spawns 3 Restless Miners every 20 seconds.

Sapphire Golem: A towering golem, does a hard bash with his fist each 10 seconds in front of him

Lady Whisperwind: She randomly shoots dark magic bolts to a player each X seconds. Each Y seconds a death pool appears on the ground, dealing Z damage per second to each player in it.

Eternal Guard: Knocks every Players back a bit every 5 seconds. Slams the ground every 10 seconds dealing x damage to everyone standing on the ground. Players have to jump to avoid this attack

General Dexx: Consists of 2 phases. 1st phase: untargetable but the players have to defeat X waves of enemies. 2nd phase the waves stop, and Dexx becomes active

General Dexx damage increase by 10% for each 10 seconds he is alive in phase 2. Increases Attack Speed by -0.10 every 20 seconds.

King Crudley: 100-0% HP: His 3 Archers are invincible until Crudley dies. They shoot arrows every few seconds at random players. 100-40% HP: Let's His Archers shoot a rain of Arrows on a specific place dealing x amount of damage to every enemy standing in the field. 40-0% HP: Attacks like this all over the place: