ironcalc / IronCalc

Main engine of the IronCalc ecosystem
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Implement Arrays and array formulas #15

Open nhatcher opened 4 months ago

nhatcher commented 4 months ago

This needs to go through every argument of every function and check if it can be an array like


Arrays in Excel can be column, row or two dimensional:

{1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6}

Note that the row separator and column separator differ from language to language.

Array functions or CSE (Control+Shift+Enter) functions span several cells. But a fixed number of them. At any point of time, without doing any calculations we can know if a cell belongs to an array formula or not.

Note that the SUMPRODUCT function makes all it's arguments array formulas.

This is a blocking issue, we shouldn't be doing more formulas until this is solved