ironcamel / Dancer-Plugin-DBIC

DBIx::Class Plugin for Dancer
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added support for schema aliases #12

Closed ironcamel closed 10 years ago

ironcamel commented 10 years ago

This still needs POD documentation.

ironcamel commented 10 years ago

Added POD documentation.

alnewkirk commented 10 years ago


Not sure if you knew but YAML supports aliases, which is cool, I never use em though, e.g. --- plugins: DBIC: default: &default dsn: dbi:Pg:dbname=master schema_class: MyApp::Schema slave1: *default

alnewkirk commented 10 years ago

Yeah, that's cool, I was referring to doing the following as opposed to how you did it: my @conn_info = $options->{connect_info} ? @{$options->{connect_info}} : @$options{qw(dsn user pass options)}; $conn_info[2] //= $options->{password} if 'HASH' eq ref $options;

... I was just curious, doesn't bother me either way. Long as it works, which it does :)

alnewkirk commented 10 years ago

That is slightly different logic but effectively the same.