ironcamel / Dancer-Plugin-DBIC

DBIx::Class Plugin for Dancer
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Build dependency on DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader #16

Open dmaestro opened 10 years ago

dmaestro commented 10 years ago

This dependency brings a boatload of other dependencies, which (unnecessarily?) complicates the install. Is it feasible to remove the dependency on DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader? I'm not sure why it is required (even for build).

I certainly use the class on my development servers, but would like to avoid installing it in production.

dmaestro commented 10 years ago

I see that all of the build dependencies were added in version 0.1900.

ironcamel commented 10 years ago

DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader is not a hard dependency. It is loaded dynamically at runtime, when a user does not provide a schema_class value. It is not listed in the PREREQ_PM in the Makefile.PL.

dmaestro commented 10 years ago

The issue is, with it listed as a "build_requires" (in META.yml), it gets installed by 'cpan install Dancer::Plugin::DBIC'. I know it won't load, but I don't really want it installed on my production server at all. I may be missing some understanding of the packaging or build process, but I've been using CPAN for a long time ;-)