ironcamel / Dancer-Plugin-DBIC

DBIx::Class Plugin for Dancer
1 stars 13 forks source link

dancer2:: port #9

Closed yanick closed 10 years ago

yanick commented 11 years ago

Just to say, I've created a fork to have the plugin work in the Dancer2::* namespace -

ironcamel commented 11 years ago

Why is that necessary? This plugin supports Dancer and Dancer2 since December 2012 ( thanks to @shumphrey.

yanick commented 11 years ago

Dancer 2 has been moved to the Dancer2:: namespace. At the very least, it means that 'use Dancer::Plugin;' needs to be changed to 'Dancer2::Plugin' if it's used under Dancer2.

To be fair, you might want to wait and see which best practices are going to emerge for D1/D2 plugins. It's just that I'm using D::P::DBIC in my projects and I needed to have a working copy ... and so hit the 'fork' button to get me going. :-)

ironcamel commented 11 years ago

I see. Hopefully there will be (is?) a mechanism in Dancer2 that can search the Dancer::Plugin namespace for plugins. A lot of plugins, such as this one, are independent of the underlying Dancer implementation and will work happily for both Dancer and Dancer2.