ironcamel / Dancer-Plugin-Email

Simple email sending for Dancer
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Asynchronous send? #7

Open kalgan opened 12 years ago

kalgan commented 12 years ago

Before of all, thank you for this great plugin! :)

I have a suggestion to add an option to send emails asynchronously. Now, when sending email, the server waits for completion.

I'm using for this Proc::Simple::Async, then this process will go into background:

use Dancer::Plugin::Email;
use Proc::Simple::Async;

get '/emailme' => sub

    my $proc = async
        my $msg = email {
            from    => '',
            to      => '',
            subject => 'Async email',
            message => 'Hello!'
        return $msg;
    return 'message sent!';
ironcamel commented 12 years ago

This is a great idea, thanks! I am thinking that it could work like this:

my $msg = email {
    async   => 1,
    from    => '',
    to      => '',
    subject => 'Async email',
    message => 'Hello!'