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Ironhacks Analysis
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Preparation of papers for Florida paper development workshop #1

Open jialincheoh opened 1 year ago

jialincheoh commented 1 year ago

(1) Introduction

(2) Theory and Hypotheses (3) Method and Data ( Measures for Construct ) What is relational novelty? What is distance of search? What is innovation performance? First entry is construct, second entry is measure, definition, scale Treatment table in experimental design section ( 2 x 2 design ) under treatment condition. (4) For innovation performance, we reuse the writing from JASIST. (5) Two concrete questions for the workshop and round table dis- cussions? (6) ANCOVA in R and Python (7) ANCOVA for each of the dependent variables. Rerun regression.

jialincheoh commented 1 year ago

Potential Question: What is the strongest theoretical contribution of the paper to the scholarly field of digital innovation? What are the broader impacts of this research?

sbrunswi commented 1 year ago

2022-01-15-manuscript_final.pdf here an example of a table (table 2)