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Reports from Module Universal.Apps.ActiveDirectory Error - Script not found. #3353

Closed RubenT91 closed 3 weeks ago

RubenT91 commented 1 month ago







Steps to Reproduce

Installed UPS standard using MSI. Only reports do not work in the Universal.Apps.ActiveDirectory module.

As far as I understand, calling the script does not work

$Data = Invoke-PSUScript -Integrated -Name $Script -Wait

Expected behavior

The command should work after running $Data = Invoke-PSUScript -Integrated -Name $Script -Wait

Actual behavior

As I understand it, the problem is with accessing the script that is registered by the module. If I create a script manually, the Invoke-PSUScript command works.

[Error] [App-Active Directory] Cannot retrieve the dynamic parameters for the cmdlet. Script not found. 
[Error] [App-Active Directory] An error occurred: Cannot retrieve the dynamic parameters for the cmdlet. Script not found.
Endpoint: Computers - Disabled_Table
Session: , User: 

at Computers - Disabled_Table: line 5
at Computers - Disabled_Table: line 1
at Universal.Apps.ActiveDirectory.psm1 : line 63

Additional Environment data

PowerShell Universal Version: 4.2.21 (Licensed) PowerShell Version: 5.1.20348.2400 and 7.4.2 PowerShell Universal Environment: Windows PowerShell 5.1, PowerShell 7, Integrated, Agent and 7.4.2 Execution Policy: RemoteSigned Permissions: the application requires roles - Administrator, AD Admin, AD Users or AD Groups. My account has Administrator. Verbose Logging: the log shows the same messages. Logs data attached to case


No response

JessePeden commented 1 month ago

@RubenT91 Your Invoke-PSUScript command is missing a reference to which script it should run. The code should look like: $Data = Invoke-PSUScript -Script $Script -Integrated -Wait

It looks like you were trying to do this with the -Name $Script section, but it should be -Script instead of -Name.

ThinkOps commented 1 month ago

@JessePeden here is a part of the code, I tried using -script and -name the result is the same.

code: $Script = "$($Module)\$($Command)"

Line 20:

    New-UDButton -Text 'Run Report' -OnClick {
        Show-UDToast "Running report..."
        Invoke-PSUScript -Script $Script -Integrated | Wait-PSUJob -Integrated
        Sync-UDElement -Id "$($Title)_Table"
        Show-UDToast "Report complete."
    } -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Play') -ShowLoading 


[5/29/2024 10:03:10 AM] [Error] [App-Management Active Directory] An error occurred: Cannot retrieve the dynamic parameters for the cmdlet. Script not found.
Endpoint: 20395542-7bd9-4559-a058-eacd6ff28faf
Session: 0d1796c0-459a-4b4f-8fb4-8c199a28337f, User:

at 20395542-7bd9-4559-a058-eacd6ff28faf: line 3
at 20395542-7bd9-4559-a058-eacd6ff28faf: line 1
at Reports-home-page.ps1 : line 20

at 20395542-7bd9-4559-a058-eacd6ff28faf: line 3
at 20395542-7bd9-4559-a058-eacd6ff28faf: line 1
at Reports-home-page.ps1 : line 20

[5/29/2024 10:03:10 AM] [Error] [App-Management Active Directory] Cannot retrieve the dynamic parameters for the cmdlet. Script not found. 
[5/29/2024 10:02:39 AM] [Information] [App-Management Active Directory] Dashboard configuration complete. 
[5/29/2024 10:02:38 AM] [Information] [App-Management Active Directory] Starting scheduler. 
[5/29/2024 10:02:35 AM] [Information] [App-Management Active Directory] Creating services. 
JessePeden commented 1 month ago

@RubenT91 @DDRosenxt Can you add Write-Output $Script somewhere after you've filled the variable, to verify that it's actually being populated correctly and there's not a formatting issue or anything, and share the output here?

ThinkOps commented 1 month ago

@JessePeden @RubenT91 I added New-UDAlert -Severity ‘info’ -Title $Script -Id ‘alert3’ to the New-UDStack BaseAlert block, it displays the contents of the $script variable on the report form.

    $Script = "$($Module)\$($Command)"
    #$Script = "$($Command)"

    New-UDPage -Name $Title -Url $Url -Content {
        New-UDStack -Direction row -Content {
            New-UDButton -Text 'Back to Reports' -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon ArrowAltCircleLeft) -OnClick {
                Invoke-UDRedirect "/reports"
            **New-UDAlert -Severity 'info'  -Title $Script -Id 'alert3'**
            New-UDButton -Text 'Run Report' -OnClick {
                Show-UDToast "Running report..."
                Invoke-PSUScript -Script $Script -Integrated | Wait-PSUJob -Integrated
                Sync-UDElement -Id "$($Title)_Table"
                Show-UDToast "Report complete."
            } -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon 'Play') -ShowLoading 

That was the easiest way to check the value of the variable. report: report-Computers-Disabled

I can see all the scripts: automations

and this script Get-UDDisabledComputers:

function Get-UDDisabledComputers {
    Gets a list of disabled computers.

    Gets a list of disabled computers.
    [System.ComponentModel.DisplayName("Disabled Computers")]
    Get-ADComputer -Filter { (Enabled -eq $False) } -ResultPageSize 2000 -ResultSetSize $null -Properties Name, OperatingSystem, SamAccountName, DistinguishedName | Select-Object Name, OperatingSystem, SamAccountName, DistinguishedName
JessePeden commented 1 month ago

@DDRosenxt Is that function the only code that's in the script file? Where are you actually calling the function inside the script?

ThinkOps commented 1 month ago

@JessePeden In Platform / Modules we see installed modules, not scripts. All available scripts are available in the Automation / Scripts section.

so I know it's right.

JessePeden commented 1 month ago

@DDRosenxt I think was confused. You were showing code blocks from within the module and the scripts it automatically created/installed, not custom code you created yourself. Is that correct?

A coupe of things that I noticed after installing the Universal.Apps.ActiveDirectory module in my PSU instance that differ with what your screenshots show, are:

What version of the module do you have installed? I installed the latest available, which is 0.0.3.

ThinkOps commented 1 month ago

@JessePeden Module name was changed, but the latest version 0.0.3 is installed.

  • None of the installed scripts have code wrapped within functionblocks.

if you look at the source code in the file with an editor, you will see the function. In the web interface the function will not be shown, because the Module refers to a functionand not to a script. New-PSUScript -Module "Management.ActiveDirectory" -Command "Get-UDDisabledComputers" -InformationAction "SilentlyContinue"

it's explained here Module management for PowerShell Universal.

JessePeden commented 1 month ago

@DDRosenxt Nope. function is not shown anywhere in the script files it generated, even when opened in an external editor (such as VS Code). The scripts look identical to how they are within the PSU code editor interface. This is my point, though. There seem to be some differences between what you have and what I have, even though we're both using PSU version 4.2.21 and both using version 0.0.3 of the Universal.Apps.ActiveDirectory module.

Are you saying that you renamed the module after installing it, to Management.ActiveDirectory?

ThinkOps commented 1 month ago

@JessePeden installed the original version without any changes.

this is what I see in VS Code: script-module script-pc-disabled

ThinkOps commented 1 month ago

@JessePeden After the original installation Universal.Apps.ActiveDirectory, the Reports partition, did not work initially. There was another error that I fixed.

[5/29/2024 3:50:13 PM] [Error] [App-Active Directory] An error occurred: Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Url' because it is an empty string.
Endpoint: c770ae8f-5d6a-4ace-ad9d-2537fbf87029onClick
Session: 5fe84ae7-1292-4e06-bb5b-91231757eb58, User:

at c770ae8f-5d6a-4ace-ad9d-2537fbf87029onClick: line 2
at c770ae8f-5d6a-4ace-ad9d-2537fbf87029onClick: line 1
at Universal.Apps.ActiveDirectory.psm1 : line 181

I adapt the Universal.Apps.ActiveDirectory module for our company, so I changed the name to Management.ActiveDirectory.

JessePeden commented 1 month ago

Ahh. I see the issue. We're talking about 2 different things. Within PSU, if you go to Automation\Scripts\Repository\Univeral.Apps.ActiveDirectory and edit the scripts you'll see there, those are what I was referring to not having function blocks.

What you're looking at, instead, are the .ps1 files in a completely different path (Automation\Scripts\Repository\Modules\Universal.Apps.ActiveDirectory\0.0.3\Reports\<file>.ps1).

The ones I was looking at seem to only exist inside of PSU and don't appear to actually be part of the repository, despite their path saying otherwise.

ThinkOps commented 1 month ago

@JessePeden No, that's right, it's the same script.

Here's a little test. I modified the script in VS Code. test-github1

restarted the PSU service. test-github2

The comment can be seen in the PSU interface. test-github3

I found information that PSU has changed this module and instead of a script file they register functions in the module. I hope I've explained it correctly.

JessePeden commented 1 month ago

You did. I see what it's doing now. Sorry for the confusion.

adamdriscoll commented 3 weeks ago

I think this was an issue with PSU itself. 4.3 seems to work fine after a fix to how we load functions from modules. I put in a patch to fix the URL error on the reports page.