ironmansoftware / powershell-universal

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UDSnackbar, add -Location, -fullsize and button #3535

Open rstolpe opened 1 month ago

rstolpe commented 1 month ago

Summary of the new feature / enhancement

It would be great if it was possible to add -Location to Snackbar. Value should be left, right, top and bottom. (LeftButtom for example) Also the possibility to have full size (screen wide) and a dismiss button would be perfect :)

Adding -Timeout where value is in ms for when it should disappear, and if you don't populate -Timeout it should be sticky until user click on dismiss button.

Proposed technical implementation details (optional)

adamdriscoll commented 1 month ago

Show-UDSnackbar exists but it doesn't currently have positioning.

rstolpe commented 1 month ago

@adamdriscoll was looking under components at the webpage but could not find it. Guess I did miss looking in the APIs :)

rstolpe commented 1 month ago

@adamdriscoll Show-UDSnackbar are not in the cmdlets dock either. Just so you know :)

adamdriscoll commented 1 month ago

Yeah idk how this never made it into the docs. Will make sure we get that added too.

rstolpe commented 1 month ago

@adamdriscoll added a wish for full-size and dismiss button / link also.