ironmansoftware / powershell-universal

Issue tracker for PowerShell Universal
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Stepper - Keep selected/entered values on screen also if Next has been clicked #3588

Open eizedev opened 4 weeks ago

eizedev commented 4 weeks ago

Summary of the new feature / enhancement


For our use cases of the stepper, it would be great if you could also display the selected or entered values of a step in the stepper itself when you click on Next. So that you can see at a glance what you have selected or entered for each step without having to click back again. At the moment we sync an element to the right of (or below) the stepper in which we display the values in a table after clicking on Next or Back. However, it would be very helpful if this could be supported natively by New-UDStepper (or per step).

Thanks, René

Proposed technical implementation details (optional)

You could either activate it with a switch on the stepper (or even better per step) (-ShowSelectedValue)

(Optional: Another option could be, to add two switches for New-UDStep for -ShowSelectedValue & ShowSelectedName, so that you can display the name and/or the value for e.g. UDSelect and only the value for e.g. a text box.)

So, something like that:
