Closed mklement0 closed 6 months ago
We added a prompt on quitting a while back but this is not in the PSGallery version yet, I did however spot that the CTRL+Q functionality isn't working properly in Windows Terminal when defined in the MenuBar. I added it as a keyboard shortcut in the StatusBar as well, and now it works consistently (this weird behavior is reproducable in Terminal.Gui too)
There is alot of improvements to psedit thats already in the repo, if you wish to clone and check it out :)
Thank you, @halvarsson, both for the info and your PRs.
Currently, Ctrl+Q quits unconditionally, quietly discarding any unsaved changes, which is unexpected.
Please consider presenting a modal dialog that prompts for saving first (yes/no/cancel), if needed, and possibly also offering a dedicated save-then-quit command.