ironmansoftware / universal-modules

PowerShell Universal modules that provide additional functionality to the platform.
MIT License
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Joyride param issues #10

Open insomniacc opened 1 year ago

insomniacc commented 1 year ago

Having tested joyride it works fine in it's basic functionality but I couldn't seem to get any of the following parameters to work: -ShowProgress -ShowSkipButton -DisableOverlay -DisableOverlayClose -DisableScrolling -DisableScrollParentFix -HideBackButton -HideCloseButton -ScrollOffset -ScrollDuration -SpotlightClicks -SpotlightPadding

Testing each of these seemed to make no apparent difference whether supplied or not. If they are defunct in the current version I would remove them entirely until/if the functionality is to be added in future.

insomniacc commented 1 year ago

Also it seems attempting to use anything other than a plain text string in the content scriptblock results in an error. Tested with new-udtypography, new-udicon and new-udhtml