ironmansoftware / universal-modules

PowerShell Universal modules that provide additional functionality to the platform.
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Update Theme viewer to be more accurate to the theme and allow select #4

Open Omzig opened 1 year ago

Omzig commented 1 year ago


Also it would be helpful to do something like -Themes @('CLRS', 'coffee_theme') or maybe add an optional -ExcludeThemes @()

function Show-UDThemeColorViewer {

    Shows all the theme colors in a modal.

    Shows all the theme colors in a modal.
    param([string[]]$Filter = $null)
    Show-UDModal -Header {
        New-UDStack -Direction row -Children {
            New-UDTypography -Variant h3 -Content {
                New-UDIcon -Icon  Images
                " Themes"
            New-UDHtml -Markup "&nbsp;&nbsp;"
            New-UDButton -Text "Set Default - Light" -OnClick {
                Set-UDTheme -Theme (Get-UDTheme -Name 'MaterialDesign')
            New-UDButton -Text "Set Default - Dark" -Color secondary -OnClick {
                Set-UDTheme -Theme (Get-UDTheme -Name 'MaterialDesign') -Variant dark
    } -Content {
        New-UDDynamic -Content {
            New-UDRow -Columns {
                $themes = @()
                if ($filter) {
                    $themes += 'MaterialDesign'
                    $themes += $filter | Sort-Object
                else {
                    $themes += 'MaterialDesign'
                    $themes = Get-UDTheme
                    $themes = $themes | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Cobalt Neon' -and $_ -ne 'duckbones' -and $_ -ne 'HaX0R_BLUE' -and $_ -ne 'HaX0R_GR33N' -and $_ -ne 'HaX0R_R3D' -and $_ -ne 'Retro' -and $_ -ne 'VibrantInk' -and $_ -ne 'C64' -and $_ -ne 'QB64 Super Dark Blue' -and $_ -ne 'kanagawabones' -and $_ -ne 'Darkside' -and $_ -ne 'Broadcast' -and $_ -ne 'Atom' -and $_ -ne 'primary' }  | Sort-Object
                $themes | ForEach-Object {
                    New-UDColumn -SmallSize 4 -Content {
                        try {
                            $themeName = $_
                            $Theme = Get-UDTheme -Name $themeName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                            New-UDStack -Direction row -Content {

                                New-UDCard -Title "$_ - Light" -Content {
                                    New-UDButton -Text "Set $_" -OnClick {
                                        Set-UDTheme -Theme $Theme -Variant light
                                        Write-Host ($Theme | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20)
                                    New-UDButton -Text "Set $_" -Color secondary -OnClick {
                                        Set-UDTheme -Theme $Theme -Variant light
                                        Write-Host ($Theme | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20)
                                    New-UDElement -Content {
                                    } -Attributes @{
                                        style = @{
                                            color           = $Theme.light.palette.text.primary
                                            backgroundColor = $Theme.light.overrides.MuiDrawer.paper.backgroundColor
                                    }  -Tag 'div'

                                    New-UDElement -Content {
                                        "Primary Button"
                                    } -Attributes @{
                                        style = @{
                                            color           = $Theme.light.overrides.MuiButton.contained.color
                                            backgroundColor = $Theme.light.palette.primary.main
                                    }  -Tag 'div'

                                    New-UDElement -Content {
                                        "Secondary Button"
                                    } -Attributes @{
                                        style = @{
                                            color           = $Theme.light.overrides.MuiButton.contained.color
                                            backgroundColor = $Theme.light.palette.secondary.main
                                    } -Tag 'div'

                                New-UDCard -Title "$_ - Dark" -Content {
                                    New-UDButton -Text "Set $_" -OnClick {
                                        Set-UDTheme -Theme $Theme -Variant dark
                                        Write-Host ($Theme | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20)

                                    New-UDButton -Text "Set $_" -Color secondary -OnClick {
                                        Set-UDTheme -Theme $Theme -Variant dark
                                        Write-Host ($Theme | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 20)

                                    New-UDElement -Content {
                                        "Primary Background"
                                    } -Attributes @{
                                        style = @{
                                            color           = $Theme.dark.palette.text.primary
                                            backgroundColor = $Theme.dark.overrides.MuiDrawer.paper.backgroundColor
                                    }  -Tag 'div'

                                    New-UDElement -Content {
                                        "Primary Button"
                                    } -Attributes @{
                                        style = @{
                                            color           = $Theme.dark.overrides.MuiButton.contained.color
                                            backgroundColor = $Theme.dark.palette.primary.main
                                    }  -Tag 'div'

                                    New-UDElement -Content {
                                        "Secondary Button"
                                    } -Attributes @{
                                        style = @{
                                            color           = $Theme.dark.overrides.MuiButton.contained.color
                                            backgroundColor = $Theme.dark.palette.secondary.main
                                    } -Tag 'div'


                        catch {
                            Write-Host $themeName
                            Write-Host $_
        } -LoadingComponent {

    } -FullWidth -MaxWidth xl


-Navigation $Navigation -HeaderContent{
    New-UDTooltip -Content {
        New-UDIconButton -Icon (New-UDIcon -Icon Gear) -OnClick{
            Show-UDThemeColorViewer -filter arcoiris, Breeze, Chalkboard ,Contrast ,Cyberdyne ,Desert ,DoomOne ,Flatland ,Ganyu ,Harper ,Horizon ,IC_Orange_PPL ,'Lab Fox',Laser ,MaterialDarker ,'Monokai Pro' ,potatoqualitee ,Rapture ,Retrowave ,Seti ,Spiderman ,'synthwave-everything' ,'The Hulk' ,'Tomorrow Night Burns' ,Treehouse ,Unikitty ,WildCherry 
    } -TooltipContent {
        "Select Theme"
    } -Place bottom -Type info
Omzig commented 1 year ago

You will notice that if we target the correct background, some of the themes are useless.