ironmonk88 / monks-tokenbar

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In PF2e, Award XP Dialog assumes party of 4 when calculating XP, would like party size to be considered to distribute xp correctly #428

Open ElSriracho opened 9 months ago

ElSriracho commented 9 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. In PF2e, when the Award XP dialogue comes up at the end of an encounter, the XP amount defaults to what a party of 4 should receive. Manual adjustment is needed for smaller or larger parties.

Describe the solution you'd like The tool should calculate correctly based on the number of PCs in the encounter. e.g. If the encounter is worth 80XP for 4 PCs, it should calculate 64 XP for 5 PCs, and 53 XP for 6 PCs.

Additional context Images for context image image

ColonialAF commented 9 months ago

I would prefer this to be optional if implemented, as RAW XP is still calculated as if the party was four people.

weepingminotaur commented 9 months ago

In Pf2e, the XP award does not change based on the size of the party. The XP budget changes (how much XP you have to spend to make the encounter more challenging) but the award stays the same.

ElSriracho commented 9 months ago

That's only assuming you increase the challenge of the encounter appropriately. I'm talking about scenarios where you don't or increase it more than you should. The XP should calculate correctly.

weepingminotaur commented 9 months ago

Again, in Pf2e, party size does not affect the XP award (what MTB hands out) for any encounter. "The rules for building encounters (page 57) describe how to accommodate groups of a different size, but the XP awards don’t change—always award the amount of XP listed for a group of four characters."

ElSriracho commented 9 months ago

Except the XP changes if you don't accommodate for the group size correctly (i.e I'm not keeping the threat level as designed). The math goes, 4*monster XP / number of PCs. If I were to increase the number of monsters appropriately, the math does what you say, the XP reward is the same. But if you do not, the math changes.

Anyway, even if you don't agree, the tool still does it incorrectly, because if the combat is supposed to be 3 mitflits for 4 PCs for a total of 60XP, and I add 2 mitflit to the encounter since I have 6 PCs, the tool wants to reward 100XP. That's 40 XP too much.

Or, I don't adjust the fight at all, 3 mitflits against 6 level 1 PCs, that is now a trivial encounter, but the tool still wants to reward 60 XP (for low threat).

weepingminotaur commented 9 months ago

You are confusing XP budget (how much XP you spend, which changes according to party size) with XP award (which doesn't change).

Ultimately, there is no way for MTB to know whether the monsters in an encounter are representative of the 4-character XP budget or whether they are representative of a 5- or -3 or 6-character XP budget. MTB calculates XP award based on the number of monsters in the encounter. So if you're running Pf2e for a party size that isn't 4, I suggest getting familiar with the Pf2e benchmarks for XP. Severe = 120. Moderate = 80. Low = 60. And so on. It's not that hard to commit to memory. Once you know those numbers, and you are clear on the difficulty level of the encounter, it is very easy to just change the XP award in the MTB pop-up to what it should be.

ElSriracho commented 9 months ago

I can edit manually yes, it'd be nice if the tool took party size into account. The combat tracker seems to be able just fine if you see my screenshot. Anyway, I appreciate the discussion, if Ironmonk says it's not possible, I will live with it as is.

ironmonk88 commented 9 months ago

Honestly I don't actually calculate the XP... I leave it up to PF2e to calculate the expected experience from an encounter. So if there's any issue with the number... it would be a ticket with the system.

ChrisEurolog commented 9 months ago

The encounter tracker does calculate it correctly, this is not the figure that this addon brings in for applying to PCs. This does need to be implemented to adhere to PF2 XP calculations, as ElSriracho has highlighted. I currently have to manually adjust every time kinda negating the benefit of the auto application of XP as things stand

ironmonk88 commented 9 months ago

image image The encounter tracker calculates based on the actors in the party folder... not the actors in the combat. So it might not be accurate. When the actors are the same in the combat as in the party folder, the numbers are the same, because it uses the same function.

ChrisEurolog commented 9 months ago

Erm, this is not the case for me at least :) . When I add PCs to the Encounter Tracker (from the Party Folder), the XP calculated changes. This is not the case for the Monk Assign XP value, it is always based on 4 players, not more if more are in the Party Folder. Is there a setting I am missing? However, I have just noticed you highlighted the recalculate XP button - I have not been using this - how should I be utilising this?

this-gavagai commented 9 months ago

Are you sure you're on the latest version of Token Bar? It used to be the case for me that xp always assumed 4 players, but recently it has been calculating correctly for party size.

ChrisEurolog commented 9 months ago

Are you sure you're on the latest version of Token Bar? It used to be the case for me that xp always assumed 4 players, but recently it has been calculating correctly for party size.

I think I must have been working off old information and maybe an old version as you say. I can confirm that it is working as it should on 11.09! Thanks for being so patient with me 👍