ironsheep / RPi-Reporter-MQTT2HA-Daemon

Linux service to collect and transfer Raspberry Pi data via MQTT to Home Assistant (for RPi Monitoring)
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problems with MQTT coms when adding new Raspberry Pi or when changing name of RPi #142

Open 11Maarten opened 4 months ago

11Maarten commented 4 months ago

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Moved from title: Thank you for yor wonderfull program and work; it works verywell and I am happy with it. Thank you for yor wonderfull program and work; it works verywell and I am happy with it. When I added another RPI in my home I gave it the wrong name (raspberry instead of raspberry3). Later, when the rasperry already was found by MQTT, I changed the name to raspberry3. this lead to losing the connection with MQTT and data therewith the data in homeassistant. Eeven after removing and reinstalling MQTT still displayed the raspberry with te old name and no data. After changing the name of teh raspberry back to it's orinal name "raspberry" everything worked fine again. Maybe there is a possibility to make name changes of the device (after that is already found by MQTT) an option? Or add an explanation how this coud be done? Again thank you for the great work!