ironsheep / lovelace-rpi-monitor-card

A Raspberry Pi status display Card for Home Assistant Lovelace
MIT License
175 stars 9 forks source link

Improve Card Layout #29

Open codeclinic opened 1 year ago

codeclinic commented 1 year ago

Would it be possible to add the ability to custom order the various displayed attributes?

Failing that, could you make it so that both the full card and the glance card display the monitored attributes in the same order?


ironsheep commented 1 year ago

Hmm pondering... But I certainly will make the order the same in the next update!

ironsheep commented 1 year ago

Ordering update committed. Appears in v1.2.6 and later.

SvenMartin81 commented 1 year ago

Hi, is there and possibility to add the degree Point infront of the „C“ of the Attribut from the Monitor Sensor? And to add the gpu Temperature?

SvenMartin81 commented 1 year ago

Can you add a German translation?

codeclinic commented 1 year ago

Can you add a German translation? you should probablz start a new issue for your feature requests. It'll make it easier for ironsheep to keep track of things.