ironsheep / lovelace-rpi-monitor-card

A Raspberry Pi status display Card for Home Assistant Lovelace
MIT License
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-Unit of measurement is missing #64

Open Vetti52 opened 1 month ago

Vetti52 commented 1 month ago

and have you...

Version of RPi Monitor Card


Is this a regression?

No or unsure. This never worked, or I haven't tried before.

Browser and Operating system

Browser: Safari OS: IOS

Description of problem

As HA version later than March 2023 needs units of measurement, I have added

  friendly_name: Raspberry Pi4
  unit_of_measurement: "y"

into customize.yaml. So, at least, I can avoid a logfile entry at every 5 minutes. But, maybe, there is a better solution.

And, btw, the degree sign is missing. It says „C“, also to be seen in #49, instead of „°C“, as in the original presentation is shown. I would like to have it back again!

Thanks Peter

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