ironss / musicxml2chordpro

Extract chord charts from MusicXML files
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work-title missing #3

Open YogieAnamCara opened 3 years ago

YogieAnamCara commented 3 years ago


if there is no


in the musicXML the script is not running.

File "", line 165, in x1.process_file() File "", line 64, in process_file self.process_root() File "", line 69, in process_root self.title = title_element.text

My musicXML is just having a


as it was produced by:

        <software>SmartScore 64 Songbook Edition</software>

can this script be adjusted to take both titles into account?

Many thanks!

Cheers Yogie

YogieAnamCara commented 3 years ago

To be honest I'm not a programmer, but I played a little and changed the code for myself to work and replaced the "Get the song name" part to:

def process_root(self):
    # Get the song name
        title_element = self.root.find('work/work-title')
        self.title = title_element.text
    except AttributeError: 
        title_element = self.root.find('movement-title')
        self.title = title_element.text
    except AttributeError:
        title_element = 'None'        
        self.title = title_element.text