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Read IR code #562

Open Abrimaal opened 2 years ago

Abrimaal commented 2 years ago


I need to read the numeric sequences of IR codes, from various remotes. Pure numeric values, not any manufacturers. I don't really need any lists of devices. I just want to use the sequences in custom remotes (physical and in-app). How can I read them through the smartphone IR blaster input?

CryptorClub commented 2 years ago

Some Smartphones can record codes (HTC M7,M8,M9+, LG G3, G4). In that case you can use irplus to record the codes.

Additonal Note: LG phones can record, but only in a proprietary way. So the codes can't be shared to other devices. If you plan to share the codes you need to use HTC!

Abrimaal commented 2 years ago

Edit: Removed screenshot, too big sorry :d

I mean this step. Pressing ADD, the IRplus app opens a list of manufacturers and models, that I don't need. I want to add a button, not a full remote. I would like to add a single button, read the code. Add one more button, read code from a different remote and save all when it is done. My Huawei p30 pro is able to read IR signal from remotes. Can you tell me how can I read the IR signal in IRplus app?

Besides I am using Unified Remote app, where I can build custom button layout. For example one button turns on the PC, another button opens a music playlist, two other buttons control the music volume, other button turns off the PC. What is missing? To power on the audio device by IR Unified Remote app is able to send IR signal to devices, but it cannot read the signal from remotes. I asked the developer, he answered that the feature is not introduced yet. I need to type the numeric code.

This is the wall I don't know how to overjump. Can I get the numeric IR code using IRplus app?

irplus-remote commented 2 years ago

Hi, I know Huawei is able to read, but unfortunately only with the Stock App. They do not provide an API to read like HTC and LG did in the past. Reading should be preferably done with a Raspberry or PC. Even if you read the code with the Huawei Stock app there is no (known to me) way to export it.

Abrimaal commented 2 years ago

and this app cannot be backed up, it is not listed. This is a serious bug or protection. Because the app is useless. Once I sent the phone to service and all remotes were deleted. Very bad monopolist strategy. I didn't start again with that app. I will look for a hardware IR reader

CryptorClub commented 2 years ago

and this app cannot be backed up, it is not listed. This is a serious bug or protection. Because the app is useless. Once I sent the phone to service and all remotes were deleted. Very bad monopolist strategy. I didn't start again with that app. I will look for a hardware IR reader

Sad to hear pain of your Infra Red remote path. I've read codes with arduino device (with additional IR-port), its cheaper than with raspberry