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Can support for USB IR blaster devices be added for receiving codes as well? #667

Open rev666 opened 3 weeks ago

rev666 commented 3 weeks ago

After seeing this thread ( ), I bought the supported USB device and I'm using it with IRPlus WAVE app.

But could you please tell me why does it support the device only for sending IR signals while the Zaza app works both as a IR Blaster but also as IR Receiver allowing the user to clone other remotes?

Is there a reason the support for it in IRPlus wave is limited like that?

Thanks for the app anyway. Way better than Zaza in my opinion.

irplus-remote commented 3 weeks ago

Hi, because there is no documentation on how to implement this. It's proprietary. If someone knows how to do it ill add support :)

rev666 commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you so much anyway. :) I've tried to capture IR signals with the device using the driver someone created for Windows, it can read the signal but I failed to convert it to LIRC format or to decode it in any way, so I couldn't use it or export it to irplus or any other app, it only works in Zaza unforntunely. Again, thanks for the app. it's my favorite IR remote app of all.