irshadbhat / csnlp

Neural Stacking Dependency Parsers for Code Switching texts
MIT License
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Pre-trained Model for polyglot parsing #2

Open aayushkubb opened 5 years ago

aayushkubb commented 5 years ago

Hi I am trying to run the mono and polyglot parser, while the code works perfectly for the mono parsers, it breaks when I used the model for the polyglot parser, I tried using all the different polyglot parsers available but the code breaks at:

Can anyone please share the requisite models for running polyglot model ?

irshadbhat commented 5 years ago

Can you share the full error traceback.

aayushkubb commented 5 years ago


[dynet] random seed: 2909855673
[dynet] allocating memory: 512MB
[dynet] memory allocation done.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2, in <module>
    parser = Parser(model='/home/vz/ak47/csnlp/PTB/PARSER/en-ptb-parser')
  File "/home/vz/ak47/csnlp/", line 91, in __init__
    self.ELOOKUP_WORD = self.model.add_lookup_parameters((self.meta.n_words_eng, self.meta.w_dim))
AttributeError: Meta instance has no attribute 'n_words_eng'
[dynet] random seed: 1589859874
[dynet] allocating memory: 512MB
[dynet] memory allocation done.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 2, in <module>
    parser = Parser(model='/home/vz/ak47/csnlp/UD/EN/PARSER/en-ud-parser')
  File "/home/vz/ak47/csnlp/", line 91, in __init__
    self.ELOOKUP_WORD = self.model.add_lookup_parameters((self.meta.n_words_eng, self.meta.w_dim))
AttributeError: Meta instance has no attribute 'n_words_eng'

I tried using all the available parsers. The main intent is to use the parser for multilingual texts,.

irshadbhat commented 5 years ago

You are trying to load a monolingual model in a multilingual setting. There are no pretrained models available for multilingual (or code switching) texts. You need to train your own models for multilingual data using and Description is in the README.

Mounika2405 commented 4 years ago

I am trying to run using the base model returned by but I'm facing the following issue.

Command Used: python3 --ctrain csnlp-master/tweets_train.conll --cdev csnlp-master/tweets_dev.conll --trainer adam --bvec 1 --base-model csnlp-master/hi-en-parser1 --save-model /csnlp-master/hi-en-parserfinal

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