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escape characters / hexadecimal (maybe even C NULL pointer or SZ ?) #775

Open irssibot opened 13 years ago

irssibot commented 13 years ago


I've a bot called '\x00' (just to be sure, thats a backslash followed by an x, followed by 00). At some night I decided this is what that bot-thiny should be called =). At some point between then and now, I switched to Irssi and I quite like it!

As curious at it may sound, I just mentioned - or at least tried to - the bots name. This leaded to:

typed: This is my awesome line, does \x00 think it's awesome too? result (@channel): This is my awesome line, does

When trying the nick-completion: typed: \x00: hi! result (@status): Not enough parameters given

In all my curiosity I tried escaping a few chars in that line typed: \x00 result: \x00

typed: \x\00 result: a whole lot of lines that look like this 7f36b024a000-7f36b044a000 ---p 00016000 08:01 24127611 /usr/lib/ .. and Quit with 'Input/output error)

typed: \x61 result (@channel): a

I'm connecting to a Debian (amd64) box from OS X 10.6.4 with settings: xterm-color, Unicode utf-8

I'm not too familiar with the ANSI/Ascii world and such, so apologies if this 'bug' isnt a bug but just plain logic =).

Regards =)

irssibot commented 13 years ago

I can't reproduce this problem. If you load a irssi with a clean config (for example using "irssi --home=/tmp/tmpirssi") can you still reproduce it? Could it be because of a specific script you've got loaded?

irssibot commented 13 years ago


I’ve tried loading another config as you suggested, which indeed fixed things. This, of course, leaving me with the question “then whats wrong with mine”.

I’ve added a new user to the system (lets call it blub) and copied each script - one at a time - see if things would break.. nothing.

Next I spent some time trying to spot invisible characters which might make things go haywire, but again I got nothing.

Also diffing the 2 configs (with FileMerge) didn’t show any suspicious differences. The only difference was that my config had servers in it, while blub’s config did not. Seems pretty straight forwarded to me.

With no curious differences to be found and no other things that come to (my) mind, I deleted my config and just ran a clean Irssi. Added the networks etc again and so far I can happily bash those backslash things =). I’ve tried to do so after loading each script one at a time again. Even after every new network added to Irssi.

Whilst leaving me wonder ‘how the f ='D’ - apologies for the inconvenience.

Regards, Rutger

irssibot commented 13 years ago


It just happened to me again. However, this time I know why =). It happens when: "/set expand_escapes on" - Sighs @ himself

That leaves us with \x\00, why does that flood the system like it did? (see above) Personally I'd turn expand_escapes off, or just be careful with what whom types - obviously

But if this is unintended behavior, eat your heart out team =)!

~ Rutger