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Nicknames Lacks Host Information On Large Channels #776

Closed irssibot closed 13 years ago

irssibot commented 13 years ago

With regard to irssi 0.8.12 and 0.8.15 when doing the following in

Irssi::signal_add( 'channel sync', \&channel_sync );

sub channelsync { my ( $channel ) = @;

    my $serv = $channel->{server}->{address};

    for my $nick ( $channel->nicks() ) {
        debugPrint( "info", Dumper $nick );
        add_record( $nick->{nick}, ( split( '@', $nick->{host} ) ), $serv );


I've found that ->{host} is not set on a channel with approximately 1438 nicknames. I've confirmed that the numerics are being sent, and have found no anomalies outside of the difference in nicknames in the channel.

This was found in #ubuntu on

Please let me know if this is intentional and at what number nicknames lack this information, so that I may add a safe-guard to the script to prevent corrupted records from being added.

irssibot commented 13 years ago

This is deliberate, see /set channel_max_who_sync. Requesting very large /who listings may cause sendq exceeded, but you can allow it if it works for you.

irssibot commented 13 years ago

Thanks Jilles!

irssibot commented 13 years ago