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Support for server ALIAS-Multiple connections to same SERVER #825

Closed irssibot closed 12 years ago

irssibot commented 12 years ago

When adding an IRC Bouncer as a server such as ZNC, with multiple connections with different chatnets, I get this error: Disconnecting dupe IRC server

For instance, if I add 2 seperate /network entries "net1" and "net2" and add 2 /server entries on the same IP using each of the aforementioned networks, the server will disconnect from one of them.

REQUEST server aliasing for configuration file, EXAMPLE:

{ alias = "SOME_ALIAS" address = ""; chatnet = "net1"; port = "1234"; password = "name:pass"; use_ssl = "no"; ssl_verify = "no"; autoconnect = "yes"; },

irssibot commented 12 years ago

Irssi has had full support for multiple connections to the same IP/port since 0.8.15, so long as each of the connections are in unique chatnets.

The "Disconnecting dupe IRC server" error you are getting is from autodl-irssi's irssi scripts, not irssi itself. Its autoconnect module is not capable of supporting multiple connections to the same host. You can workaround this by disabling auto-connection in autodl-irssi. We also recommend you report this bug/shortcoming to the autodl-irssi developers.

irssibot commented 12 years ago

Really. Thanks. I'll let them know!

irssibot commented 12 years ago