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Wildcards in the nick inconsistent between commands #915

Open irssibot opened 10 years ago

irssibot commented 10 years ago

Description of the problem:

Hi, some commands that allow usage of wildcards in the nick includes issuing user in the resulting list but others do not. This doesn't seems to be documented.

Some commands that doesn't include "me": /op /deop /voice

And an example of command that includes "me": /who

How to reproduce:

  1. Setup dancer-ircd, configure O:line password with +p "god privileges" (maybe some more like +* and +B)
  2. Join channel with couple of users
  3. Deop channel operator
  4. Gain +p usering /oper with one of users
  5. Issue /op -YES *
  6. Issue /who *

Expected results: All users in the channel are granted channel operator privileges including the issuing user;

Actual results: Issuing user is not granted channel operator privileges but other users do.

Additional info: I'm aware that this is a corner case, but anyway this should be consistent or at least documented.


