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Raw logs filename template support? #1517

Closed loopedice closed 2 months ago

loopedice commented 2 months ago

Hey is it possible for the raw log file to have pathname support like the regular log file? For example I would like to do ~/irclogs/$tag/$0_raw.log. Use case is I am logging my twitch and others channel's irc chat, and the current way doesn't let me have multiple raw log files per channel. Twitch has these things called tags as defined here that shows as part of the message.

So the only way I can get the below text is from the raw logs.

@badge-info=;badges=broadcaster/1;client-nonce=997dcf443c31e258c1d32a8da47b6936;color=#0000FF;display-name=abc;emotes=;first-msg=0;flags=0-6:S.7;id=eb24e920-8065-492a-8aea-266a00fc5126;mod=0;room-id=713936733;subscriber=0;tmi-sent-ts=1642786203573;turbo=0;user-id=713936733;user-type= :abc! PRIVMSG #xyz :HeyGuys
ailin-nemui commented 2 months ago

to your actual issue I would instead recommend to write a perl script to do something with the tags