irthomasthomas / undecidability

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Prompt: "For the adhd programmer with runaway inner-monolog, every idea produces a cascading ..." #21

Open irthomasthomas opened 9 months ago

irthomasthomas commented 9 months ago

torrent of possibilities. As their mind jumps from one thought to another, it's like a wild river flowing through an uncharted forest, constantly branching off into new directions. Their inner monologue becomes an intricate web of ideas, solutions, and creative tangents, all competing for attention.

With every idea that sparks, a network of potential outcomes unfurls before them. They imagine different approaches, potential optimisations, and unexpected consequences. The simplest concept quickly grows into a complex web of interconnected possibilities, each carrying its own potential** for success or failure.

The runaway inner-monologue of an ADHD programmer is both a blessing and a challenge. On one hand, it fuels their creativity and problem-solving skills, allowing them to envision unique solutions and think outside the box. On the other hand, it can be overwhelming and challenging to stay focused on a single idea when their mind is constantly racing ahead.

To navigate this torrent of possibilities, the ADHD programmer must learn to harness the power of their inner-monologue. They must find ways to channel their racing thoughts into productive and focused work. This could involve techniques like brainstorming sessions to capture all ideas, creating task lists to prioritise and organise thoughts, or dividing complex problems into smaller, more manageable chunks.

Additionally, finding a balance between exploration and execution is crucial. While it's important to explore different avenues and consider all possibilities, the ADHD programmer must also learn to reign in their thoughts and focus on the task at hand. Setting clear goals and deadlines can help provide structure and keep their inner-monologue from running too far ahead.

Ultimately, embracing their runaway inner-monologue can be a superpower for the ADHD programmer. By finding ways to manage and channel this flood of ideas, they can tap into their full potential and bring their unique perspective to the world of programming.

irthomasthomas commented 9 months ago


It occurred to me that the experience of the average house cat is not too dissimilar from that of the (mis-labeled) ADHD human. The cat uses all its skills in stalking and hunting to bring home the greatest gift a cat could give: a plump and juicy mouse, so fresh that it tries to escape, providing the happy cat with an opportunity to demonstrate its skills before its human. However, what reward does the cat receive for its victory? It gets yelled at and chased out of the house, and the hard-won prize is discarded as mere trash. The cat is a hunter. Its function is to explore, stalk, hunt, and bring home prey to its hungry family. On the other hand, the ADHD human is a hunter-gatherer. They fixate on their prey and pursue it wherever it leads. The danger and importance of the hunt sharpens their focus. In the past, there was a constant stream of thoughts competing for attention, all demanding to be organized and prioritized, each idea seeming equally crucial and pressing. Each new idea triggered a...

Completion ... surge of excitement and energy. Like the cat, the ADHD human thrives on the thrill of the chase, constantly seeking new stimulation and challenges. However, society often fails to recognize or appreciate this unique perspective.

Just as the cat's gift of a mouse is seen as a nuisance, the ADHD individual's enthusiasm and creativity can be misunderstood and overshadowed by societal expectations of focus and conformity. The cat may be scolded for its instinctual behavior, and the ADHD human may be chastised for their difficulty in maintaining attention or following traditional structures.

But what if instead of dismissing these natural inclinations, we embrace and channel them? What if we nurture the hunter-gatherer spirit within the ADHD individual and provide outlets for their energy and curiosity?

By encouraging their innate drive for exploration and hunting, we can tap into their untapped potential. Rather than trying to fit them into a predetermined mold, we can empower them to embrace their uniqueness and utilize their skills in meaningful ways.

Imagine a world where the ADHD individual is recognized and celebrated for their ability to think outside the box, to take risks, and to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. A world where their unconventional approach is valued, and their contributions are acknowledged.

It is time we redefine our perception of ADHD and recognize its strengths. It is not a flaw or a disorder, but a different way of experiencing the world. Let us embrace the hunter-gatherer within us all, and create a society that celebrates diversity, creativity, and the thrill of the chase.

irthomasthomas commented 9 months ago

Input rephrased in the style of a 19th century English gentleman:

It has come to my attention that the experiences of the typical domestic feline bear a striking resemblance to those of the so called ADHD human. The cat employs its entire repertoire of talents in the art of stalking and hunting, bringing forth to its human guardian the most esteemed offering a feline can proffer – a plump and succulent mouse, so freshly caught that it strives to elude capture, affording the elated cat an opportunity to showcase its prowess in the presence of its human companion. Yet, what reward does the cat enjoy for its triumph? Instead, it is met with rebuke and expulsion from the abode, while the cherished spoils, which were so arduously obtained, are hastily discarded as mere flotsam. The cat, by nature, is a tenacious hunter. Its purpose is to explore, trail, and seize prey, delivering it to its famished kin. In a similar vein, the ADHD human exemplifies the archetype of the hunter-gatherer. He focuses his gaze resolutely upon his quarry, pursuing it relentlessly, wherever it may lead. The perils and import of the hunt sharpen his cognitive faculties. Once burdened by a ceaseless deluge of thoughts vying for attention, each clamouring to be arranged and prioritised, with each notion seeming equally momentous and urgent, each fresh idea sets off a cascading chain of...

irthomasthomas commented 8 months ago

torrent of possibilities. As their mind jumps from one thought to another, it's like a wild river flowing through an uncharted forest, constantly branching off into new directions. Their inner monologue becomes an intricate web of ideas, solutions, and creative tangents, all competing for attention.