irthomasthomas / undecidability

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LLM Expert Routing #23

Open irthomasthomas opened 10 months ago

irthomasthomas commented 10 months ago

I want to experiment with a reliable way to use a simple mix of experts, of a sort. I thought a pipeline starting with a classification. Some way put the request into a definite category. 5-10 Categories at most. Write a classifier prompt that demands a single word from a list, using function calling or not. Possible algorithm:

  1. Truncate request to ~200 tokens?
  2. Send to an llm template for classification.

Prompt: Here is a an incoming request that requires classification. It has been truncated to 200 words. System: Valid responses: Terminal, Bash, Web, Github, ...................

irthomasthomas commented 10 months ago

Instead of prompting an llm to pick one word from a list, I could use logprobs, or logit_bias

Logprobs can be used used to return a value between 0 and 1. Our router would consist of a number of, lets call them binary-filter-prompts. eg:

Then we can hit the api in parallel for all the labels or classes we want probabilities for.