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OpenRouter: Prompt Transforms #630

Open irthomasthomas opened 4 months ago

irthomasthomas commented 4 months ago

Docs | OpenRouter

Description: Prompt Transforms

OpenRouter has a simple rule for choosing between sending a prompt and sending a list of ChatML messages:

Choose messages if you want to have OpenRouter apply a recommended instruct template to your prompt, depending on which model serves your request. Available instruct modes include:

Choose prompt if you want to send a custom prompt to the model. This is useful if you want to use a custom instruct template or maintain full control over the prompt submitted to the model.

To help with prompts that exceed the maximum context size of a model, OpenRouter supports a custom parameter called transforms:

  transforms: ["middle-out"], // Compress prompts > context size. This is the default for all models.
  messages: [...], // "prompt" works as well
  model // Works with any model

The transforms param is an array of strings that tell OpenRouter to apply a series of transformations to the prompt before sending it to the model. Transformations are applied in-order. Available transforms are:

Note: All OpenRouter models default to using middle-out, unless you exclude this transform by e.g. setting transforms: [] in the request body.

More information

Suggested labels

{'label-name': 'prompt-transformations', 'label-description': 'Descriptions of transformations applied to prompts in OpenRouter for AI models', 'gh-repo': 'openrouter/ai-docs', 'confidence': 52.95}

irthomasthomas commented 4 months ago

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