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cohere-ai/quick-start-connectors: code for integrating workplace datastores with Cohere's LLMs to perform RAG #664

Open irthomasthomas opened 4 months ago

irthomasthomas commented 4 months ago


cohere-ai/quick-start-connectors: This open-source repository offers reference code for integrating workplace datastores with Cohere's LLMs, enabling developers and businesses to perform seamless retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) on their own data.


Quick Start Connectors

Table of Contents

Overview Cohere's Build-Your-Own-Connector framework allows you to integrate Cohere's Command LLM via the Chat api endpoint to any datastore/software that holds text information and has a corresponding search endpoint exposed in its API. This allows the Command model to generated responses to user queries that are grounded in proprietary information.

Some examples of the use-cases you can enable with this framework:

This open-source repository contains code that will allow you to get started integrating with some of the most popular datastores. There is also an empty template connector which you can expand to use any datasource. Note that different datastores may have different requirements or limitations that need to be addressed in order to to get good quality responses. While some of the quickstart code has been enhanced to address some of these limitations, others only provide the basics of the integration, and you will need to develop them further to fit your specific use-case and the underlying datastore limitations.

Please read more about our connectors framework here:


Suggested labels

{'label-name': 'data-integration', 'label-description': "Involves integrating Cohere's LLMs with various data sources for retrieval-augmented generation.", 'confidence': 63.24}

irthomasthomas commented 4 months ago

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### DetailsSimilarity score: 0.88 - [ ] [Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)]( # Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) is a method for generating text using additional information fetched from an external data source. Providing relevant documents to the model can greatly increase the accuracy of the response. The Chat API in combination with the Command model makes it easy to generate text that is grounded on supplementary information. For example, the code snippet below will produce an answer to "Where do the tallest penguins live?" along with inline citations based on the provided documents. [More about Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)]( #### Suggested labels #### {'label-name': 'text-generation-method', 'label-description': 'Method for generating text using external information', 'confidence': 54.99}

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386: SciPhi/AgentSearch-V1 · Datasets at Hugging Face

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