irthomasthomas / undecidability

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Chat participant API · Issue #199908 · microsoft/vscode #677

Open irthomasthomas opened 6 months ago

irthomasthomas commented 6 months ago

Chat participant API · Issue #199908 · microsoft/vscode


Extension authors can subscribe to this issue to get updates about the proposed chat agent API. There may still be breaking changes coming, and I will post here whenever a breaking change is made.

I'm also interested in feedback about how you might use this API.

Current TODOs:

URL: microsoft/vscode

Suggested labels

{'label-name': 'Chat-API', 'label-description': 'Discussion and implementation of a chat participant API', 'confidence': 70.76}

irthomasthomas commented 6 months ago

Related issues

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### DetailsSimilarity score: 0.88 - [ ] [ - vscode-docs [GitHub] - Visual Studio Code - GitHub]( # - vscode-docs [GitHub] - Visual Studio Code - GitHub **DESCRIPTION:** --- # DO NOT TOUCH — Managed by doc writer ContentId: 9bdc3d4e-e6ba-43d3-bd09-2e127cb63ce7 DateApproved: 02/28/2024 # Summarize the whole topic in less than 300 characters for SEO purpose MetaDescription: A guide to adding AI-powered features to a VS Code extension by using language models and natural language understanding. --- ## Language Model API - By publishing to the VS Marketplace your extension is adhering to the GitHub Copilot extensibility acceptable development and use policy - Update the attributes in the `package.json` to make it easy for users to find your extension. Add "AI" to the `categories` field in your `package.json`. If your extension contributes a Chat Participant, add "Chat" as well. - Upload to the Marketplace as described in [Publishing Extension]( ### Related content - [Build a chat extension](/api/extension-guides/chat) **URL:** []( #### Suggested labels #### {'label-name': 'VSCode-Extension-Guide', 'label-description': 'Content related to creating VS Code extensions with language models.', 'gh-repo': 'microsoft/vscode-docs', 'confidence': 62.54}

418: openchat/openchat-3.5-1210 · Hugging Face

### DetailsSimilarity score: 0.86 - [ ] [openchat/openchat-3.5-1210 · Hugging Face]( #### Using the OpenChat Model We highly recommend installing the OpenChat package and using the OpenChat OpenAI-compatible API server for an optimal experience. The server is optimized for high-throughput deployment using vLLM and can run on a consumer GPU with 24GB RAM. - **Installation Guide**: Follow the installation guide in our repository. - **Serving**: Use the OpenChat OpenAI-compatible API server by running the serving command from the table below. To enable tensor parallelism, append `--tensor-parallel-size N` to the serving command. Model | Size | Context | Weights | Serving ------|------|---------|---------|-------- OpenChat 3.5 | 1210 | 7B | 8192 | `python -m ochat.serving.openai_api_server --model openchat/openchat-3.5-1210 --engine-use-ray --worker-use-ray` - **API Usage**: Once started, the server listens at `localhost:18888` for requests and is compatible with the OpenAI ChatCompletion API specifications. Here's an example request: ```bash curl http://localhost:18888/v1/chat/completions \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "model": "openchat_3.5", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "You are a large language model named OpenChat. Write a poem to describe yourself"}] }' ``` - **Web UI**: Use the OpenChat Web UI for a user-friendly experience. ##### Online Deployment If you want to deploy the server as an online service, use the following options: - `--api-keys sk-KEY1 sk-KEY2 ...` to specify allowed API keys - `--disable-log-requests --disable-log-stats --log-file openchat.log` for logging only to a file. For security purposes, we recommend using an HTTPS gateway in front of the server. ##### Mathematical Reasoning Mode The OpenChat model also supports mathematical reasoning mode. To use this mode, include `condition: "Math Correct"` in your request. ```bash curl http://localhost:18888/v1/chat/completions \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{ "model": "openchat_3.5", "condition": "Math Correct", "messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "10.3 − 7988.8133 = "}] }' ``` ##### Conversation Templates We provide several pre-built conversation templates to help you get started. - **Default Mode (GPT4 Correct)**: ```markdown GPT4 Correct User: Hello<|end_of_turn|> GPT4 Correct Assistant: Hi<|end_of_turn|> GPT4 Correct User: How are you today?<|end_of_turn|> GPT4 Correct Assistant: ``` - **Mathematical Reasoning Mode**: ```markdown Math Correct User: 10.3 − 7988.8133=<|end_of_turn|> Math Correct Assistant: ``` **NOTE**: Remember to set `<|end_of_turn|>` as end of generation token. - **Integrated Tokenizer**: The default (GPT4 Correct) template is also available as the integrated\_template, which can be used instead of manually specifying the template. #### Suggested labels #### { "label": "chat-templates", "description": "Pre-defined conversation structures for specific modes of interaction." }

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122: Timeout issue with AutoExpertV6 · Issue #88 · spdustin/ChatGPT-AutoExpert

### DetailsSimilarity score: 0.83 - [ ] [Timeout issue with AutoExpertV6 · Issue #88 · spdustin/ChatGPT-AutoExpert](
Quote I am having the same issue as well. Here is the workaround that has been working for me (so far): When the response is interrupted due to an error (e.g., {network error}), refresh the page in your browser1 – do not regenerate the response. The "Regenerate" button will have disappeared, and you will be able to enter a new message prompt. Give AutoExpert the prompt, "Please continue." It will then continue from where it left off. I'm paranoid about losing chat context, so before I refresh the page, I copy the response that was interrupted and paste it into an editor (I use MarkText and Obsidian). That way, if the response isn't there after refreshing the page, I can provide the response to AutoExpert and ask it to continue where it left off. ↩
### #305: Home - LibreChat
### DetailsSimilarity score: 0.82 - [ ] [Home - LibreChat]( Table of contents 🪶 Features 📃 All-In-One AI Conversations with LibreChat ⭐ Star History ✨ Contributors 💖 This project exists in its current state thanks to all the people who contribute LibreChat 🪶 Features 🖥️ UI matching ChatGPT, including Dark mode, Streaming, and 11-2023 updates 💬 Multimodal Chat: Upload and analyze images with GPT-4 and Gemini Vision 📸 More filetypes and Assistants API integration in Active Development 🚧 🌎 Multilingual UI: English, 中文, Deutsch, Español, Français, Italiano, Polski, Português Brasileiro, Русский 日本語, Svenska, 한국어, Tiếng Việt, 繁體中文, العربية, Türkçe, Nederlands 🤖 AI model selection: OpenAI API, Azure, BingAI, ChatGPT, Google Vertex AI, Anthropic (Claude), Plugins 💾 Create, Save, & Share Custom Presets 🔄 Edit, Resubmit, and Continue messages with conversation branching 📤 Export conversations as screenshots, markdown, text, json. 🔍 Search all messages/conversations 🔌 Plugins, including web access, image generation with DALL-E-3 and more 👥 Multi-User, Secure Authentication with Moderation and Token spend tools ⚙️ Configure Proxy, Reverse Proxy, Docker, many Deployment options, and completely Open-Source 📃 All-In-One AI Conversations with LibreChat LibreChat brings together the future of assistant AIs with the revolutionary technology of OpenAI's ChatGPT. Celebrating the original styling, LibreChat gives you the ability to integrate multiple AI models. It also integrates and enhances original client features such as conversation and message search, prompt templates and plugins. With LibreChat, you no longer need to opt for ChatGPT Plus and can instead use free or pay-per-call APIs. We welcome contributions, cloning, and forking to enhance the capabilities of this advanced chatbot platform. #### Suggested labels #### "ai-platform"