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Send text and Lisp functions to input fields with autofill: simple snippet for a great tool. - YouTube #708

Open irthomasthomas opened 4 months ago

irthomasthomas commented 4 months ago

Send text and Lisp functions to input fields with autofill: simple snippet for a great tool. - YouTube

DESCRIPTION: "This short demonstrates custom autofills and provides an example config for using Nyxt browser to pass Lisp arguments to web input fields. Happy Lisp hacking! GitHub:

The auto-fill snippet for your config.lisp file:

;;; custom auto-fills
(define-configuration :autofill-mode
      (list (nyxt/mode/autofill:make-autofill :name "Name" :fill "Tomato")
            (nyxt/mode/autofill:make-autofill :name "Current time: "
                                              :fill (lambda () (write-to-string (local-time:now))))))))


Suggested labels

{'label-name': 'web-browser', 'label-description': 'Related to web browsing and tools used for navigating the internet', 'confidence': 54.88}

irthomasthomas commented 4 months ago

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