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PEP 703 – Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython | #733

Open irthomasthomas opened 4 months ago

irthomasthomas commented 4 months ago

PEP 703 – Making the Global Interpreter Lock Optional in CPython |

DESCRIPTION: CPython’s global interpreter lock (“GIL”) prevents multiple threads from executing Python code at the same time. The GIL is an obstacle to using multi-core CPUs from Python efficiently. This PEP proposes adding a build configuration (--disable-gil) to CPython to let it run Python code without the global interpreter lock and with the necessary changes needed to make the interpreter thread-safe.


The GIL is a major obstacle to concurrency. For scientific computing tasks, this lack of concurrency is often a bigger issue than speed of executing Python code, since most of the processor cycles are spent in optimized CPU or GPU kernels. The GIL introduces a global bottleneck that can prevent other threads from making progress if they call any Python code. There are existing ways to enable parallelism in CPython today, but those techniques come with significant limitations (see Alternatives).

This section focuses on the GIL’s impact on scientific computing, particular AI/ML workloads because that is the area with which this author has the most experience, but the GIL also affects other users of Python.

The GIL Makes Many Types of Parallelism Difficult to Express

Neural network-based AI models expose multiple opportunities for parallelism. For example, individual operations may be parallelized internally (“intra-operator”), multiple operations may be executed simultaneously (“inter-operator”), and requests (spanning multiple operations) may also be parallelized. Efficient execution requires exploiting multiple types of parallelism [1].

The GIL makes it difficult to express inter-operator parallelism, as well as some forms of request parallelism, efficiently in Python. In other programming languages, a system might use threads to run different parts of a neural network on separate CPU cores, but this is inefficient in Python due to the GIL. Similarly, latency-sensitive inference workloads frequently use threads to parallelize across requests, but face the same scaling bottlenecks in Python.

The challenges the GIL poses to exploiting parallelism in Python frequently come up in reinforcement learning. Heinrich Kuttler, author of the NetHack Learning Environment and Member of Technical Staff at Inflection AI, writes:

Recent breakthroughs in reinforcement learning, such as on Dota 2, StarCraft, and NetHack rely on running multiple environments (simulated games) in parallel using asynchronous actor-critic methods. Straightforward multithreaded implementations in Python don’t scale beyond more than a few parallel environments due to GIL contention. Multiprocessing, with communication via shared memory or UNIX sockets, adds much complexity and in effect rules out interacting with CUDA from different workers, severely restricting the design space.

Manuel Kroiss, software engineer at DeepMind on the reinforcement learning team, describes how the bottlenecks posed by the GIL lead to rewriting Python codebases in C++, making the code less accessible:

We frequently battle issues with the Python GIL at DeepMind. In many of our applications, we would like to run on the order of 50-100 threads per process. However, we often see that even with fewer than 10 threads the GIL becomes the bottleneck. To work around this problem, we sometimes use subprocesses, but in many cases the inter-process communication becomes too big of an overhead. To deal with the GIL, we usually end up translating large parts of our Python codebase into C++. This is undesirable because it makes the code less accessible to researchers.

Projects that involve interfacing with multiple hardware devices face similar challenges: efficient communication requires use of multiple CPU cores. The Dose-3D project aims to improve cancer radiotherapy with precise dose planning. It uses medical phantoms (stand-ins for human tissue) together with custom hardware and a server application written in Python. Paweł Jurgielewicz, lead software architect for the data acquisition system on the Dose-3D project, describes the scaling challenges posed by the GIL and how using a fork of Python without the GIL simplified the project:

In the Dose-3D project, the key challenge was to maintain a stable, non-trivial concurrent communication link with hardware units while utilizing a 1 Gbit/s UDP/IP connection to the maximum. Naturally, we started with the multiprocessing package, but at some point, it became clear that most CPU time was consumed by the data transfers between the data processing stages, not by data processing itself. The CPython multithreading implementation based on GIL was a dead end too. When we found out about the “nogil” fork of Python it took a single person less than half a working day to adjust the codebase to use this fork and the results were astonishing. Now we can focus on data acquisition system development rather than fine-tuning data exchange algorithms.

Allen Goodman, author of CellProfiler and staff engineer at Prescient Design and Genentech, describes how the GIL makes biological methods research more difficult in Python:

Issues with Python’s global interpreter lock are a frequent source of frustration throughout biological methods research. I wanted to better understand the current multithreading situation so I reimplemented parts of HMMER, a standard method for multiple-sequence alignment. I chose this method because it stresses both single-thread performance (scoring) and multi-threaded performance (searching a database of sequences). The GIL became the bottleneck when using only eight threads. This is a method where the current popular implementations rely on 64 or even 128 threads per process. I tried moving to subprocesses but was blocked by the prohibitive IPC costs. HMMER is a relatively elementary bioinformatics method and newer methods have far bigger multi-threading demands.

Method researchers are begging to use Python (myself included), because of its ease of use, the Python ecosystem, and because “it’s what people know.” Many biologists only know a little bit of programming (and that’s almost always Python). Until Python’s multithreading situation is addressed, C and C++ will remain the lingua franca of the biological methods research community.

URL: PEP 703

Suggested labels

{'label-name': 'Concurrency', 'label-description': 'Related to the challenges and solutions around simultaneous execution in Python code with multiple threads.', 'confidence': 70.08}

irthomasthomas commented 4 months ago

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